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From Why Dont Russians Smile The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans
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== 2023 ==
[[Special:AllMyFiles]]  *    [[All My Files]]    *    [[Special:AllPages]]    *    [[All pages]]
* [[A: Visiting a Russian’s home]]
* [[About the Authors]]
*[[A: Visiting a Russian’s home]]
* [[Alan Akamba Section]]
*[[About the Authors]]
* [[Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge]]
*[[Alan Akamba Section]]
* [[America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
*[[Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge]]
* [[American’s infatuation with mental health ]]  
*[[America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
* [[At Home ]]  
*[[American’s infatuation with mental health]]
* [[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile ]]  
*[[At Home]]
* [[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile? ]]  
*[[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile]]
* [[Bibliography ]]  
*[[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?]]
* [[Caution and Conservatism ]]  
* [[Chapter 1: Russian Coconuts & American Peaches - Why don’t Russians Smile? ]]  
*[[Caution and Conservatism]]
* [[Cheating in Universities ]]  
*[[Chapter 1: Russian Coconuts & American Peaches - Why don’t Russians Smile?]]
* [[Collectivism ]]  
*[[Cheating in Universities]]
* [[Communication Differences ]]  
* [[Culture Map ]]  
*[[Communication Differences]]
* [[Example 1 ]]  
*[[Culture Map]]
* [[Footnotes ]]  
*[[Example 1]]
* [[Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia ]]  
* [[Further Reading and links ]]  
*[[Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia]]
* [[Immigration
*[[Further Reading and links]]
* [[Index
* [[Interview
Interview Tuesday November 4 2020
*[[Interview Tuesday November 4 2020]]
Intimate touch between friends
Language - different shades of meaning
*[[Intimate touch between friends]]
Main Page
*[[Language - different shades of meaning]]
*[[Main Page]]
Negotiating with a Russian
*[[Negotiating with a Russian]]
Past research
Pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist
*[[Past research]]
Russian version of the book
*[[Pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist]]
Russians Extremes and Contradictions
*[[Russian version of the book]]
Russians are long winded
*[[Russians Extremes and Contradictions]]
Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans
*[[Russians are long winded]]
Russians superiority complex (Messianism)
*[[Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans]]
Russians’ rebellious spirit (completely rewrite)
*[[Russians superiority complex (Messianism)]]
Second Edition
*[[Russians’ rebellious spirit (completely rewrite)]]
Social Distancing (rename) “The Peach and the Coconut: A Guide to Collaboration for Global Teams” BOOK - Acquire
*[[Second Edition]]
Soviet Author's Humor Has a Bitter Aftertaste
*[[Social Distancing (rename) “The Peach and the Coconut: A Guide to Collaboration for Global Teams” BOOK - Acquire]]
Soviet Propaganda
*[[Soviet Author's Humor Has a Bitter Aftertaste]]
Special thanks
*[[Soviet Propaganda]]
*[[Special thanks]]
Sunday, August 9, 2020
*[[Sunday, August 9, 2020]]
*[[Templates/Only for book content]]
*[[Templates/Russian version]]
*[[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man]]
*[[The City (*)]]
*[[The Importance of Equality]]
*[[The Russian Soul ✅]]
*[[Time and Patience]]
*[[Title Page]]
*[[Truth About Russia: Characteristics of a Meeting]]
*[[Verification - Trust but Verify]]
*[[Westernizers and Slavophiles]]
*[[Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?]]
*[[Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance]]
=== T ===
* [[Templates]]
* [[Templates/Only for book content]]
*[[Template:11 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth]]
* [[Templates/Russian version]]
*[[Template:13 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth]]
* [[Test]]
*[[Template:2 13 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth]]
* [[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man
*[[Template:2 Abortion]]
* [[The City (*)
*[[Template:2 About the Authors]]
* [[The Importance of Equality
*[[Template:2 Acknowledgements]]
* [[The Russian Soul
*[[Template:2 Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge]]
* [[Time and Patience
*[[Template:2 America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
* [[Title Page
*[[Template:2 Americans expect total honesty in marriage]]
* [[Truth About Russia: Characteristics of a Meeting
*[[Template:2 Americans find Russian rude because they hardly ever say please or thank you]]
* [[Verification - Trust but Verify
*[[Template:2 American’s infatuation with mental health]]
* [[Westernizers and Slavophiles
*[[Template:2 Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile]]
* [[Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?
*[[Template:2 Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?]]
* [[Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance
*[[Template:2 Bibliography]]
*[[Template:2 Body Language: Russians tend to gesture more]]
*[[Template:2 Cheating in Universities]]
*[[Template:2 Clothing and public appearance]]
*[[Template:2 Collective vs. Individualist]]
*[[Template:2 Divorce]]
*[[Template:2 Domestic Abuse]]
*[[Template:2 Fidelity and Adultery - Russians cheat A LOT whereas Americans act like Puritans]]
*[[Template:2 Footnotes]]
*[[Template:2 Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia]]
*[[Template:2 Further Reading and Links]]
*[[Template:2 Gift giving]]
*[[Template:2 Household furnishings]]
*[[Template:2 Housework]]
*[[Template:2 Immigration]]
*[[Template:2 Index]]
*[[Template:2 Intimate touch between friends]]
*[[Template:2 Introduction - I have never met anyone who understood Russians - Collectivism versus Individualism.]]
*[[Template:2 Language - different shades of meaning]]
*[[Template:2 Marriage]]
*[[Template:2 Russian pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist]]
*[[Template:2 Russians Extremes and Contradictions]]
*[[Template:2 Russians Lie]]
*[[Template:2 Russians are cautious and deeply conservative]]
*[[Template:2 Russians are long winded]]
*[[Template:2 Russians are willing to cheat on there spouses more than 24 other countries]]
*[[Template:2 Russians in business]]
*[[Template:2 Russians interpret the question of “How are you]]
*[[Template:2 Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans]]
*[[Template:2 Russians superiority complex (Messianism)]]
*[[Template:2 Russians’ rebellious spirit]]
*[[Template:2 Russian’s Deep Distrust of Government]]
*[[Template:2 Russia’s American Dream]]
*[[Template:2 Sex]]
*[[Template:2 Sex and dating]]
*[[Template:2 Soviet Khrushchev administration policies encourages infidelity]]
*[[Template:2 Soviet Propaganda - Americans’ smile hides deceit]]
*[[Template:2 Soviet mentality and Russian leadership today]]
*[[Template:2 Soviet policies which encouraged adultery]]
*[[Template:2 Talking about money]]
*[[Template:2 The Importance of Equality]]
*[[Template:2 The Russian Soul]]
*[[Template:2 The Toast]]
*[[Template:2 The man is in charge]]
*[[Template:2 Time and Patience]]
*[[Template:2 Title Page]]
*[[Template:2 Untranslatable ideas]]
*[[Template:2 Verification - Trust but Verify]]
*[[Template:2 Visiting a Russian’s home]]
*[[Template:2 Walking barefoot and sitting on the floor]]
*[[Template:2 Warning]]
*[[Template:2 Westernizers and Slavophiles]]
*[[Template:2 Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts]]
*[[Template:2 Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?]]
*[[Template:2 Women in the workforce]]
*[[Template:2 Women—the Stronger Sex]]
*[[Template:2 Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance]]
*[[Template:About the Authors]]
*[[Template:Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge]]
*[[Template:America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
*[[Template:Americans expect total honesty in marriage]]
*[[Template:Americans find Russian rude because they hardly ever say please or thank you]]
*[[Template:American’s infatuation with mental health]]
*[[Template:Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile]]
*[[Template:Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?]]
*[[Template:Body Language: Russians tend to gesture more]]
*[[Template:Chapter 10 - Conclusion]]
*[[Template:Chapter 11 - Conclusion]]
*[[Template:Chapter 8 - Russians in business]]
*[[Template:Cheating in Universities]]
*[[Template:Clothing and public appearance]]
*[[Template:Collective vs. Individualist]]
*[[Template:Domestic Abuse]]
*[[Template:Fidelity and Adultery - Russians cheat A LOT whereas Americans act like Puritans]]
*[[Template:Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia]]
*[[Template:Further Reading and Links]]
*[[Template:Gift giving]]
*[[Template:Household furnishings]]
*[[Template:Intimate touch between friends]]
*[[Template:Introduction - I have never met anyone who understood Russians - Collectivism versus Individualism.]]
*[[Template:Language - different shades of meaning]]
*[[Template:Muscovites are Shit]]
*[[Template:Muscovites are shit]]
*[[Template:Negotiating with a Russian]]
*[[Template:Russian pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist]]
*[[Template:Russians Extremes and Contradictions]]
*[[Template:Russians Lie]]
*[[Template:Russians are cautious and deeply conservative]]
*[[Template:Russians are long winded]]
*[[Template:Russians are willing to cheat on there spouses more than 24 other countries]]
*[[Template:Russians in business]]
*[[Template:Russians interpret the question of “How are you]]
*[[Template:Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans]]
*[[Template:Russians superiority complex (Messianism)]]
*[[Template:Russians’ rebellious spirit]]
*[[Template:Russian’s Deep Distrust of Government]]
*[[Template:Russia’s American Dream]]
*[[Template:Sex and dating]]
*[[Template:Soviet Khrushchev administration policies encourages infidelity]]
*[[Template:Soviet Propaganda - Americans’ smile hides deceit]]
*[[Template:Soviet mentality and Russian leadership today]]
*[[Template:Soviet policies which encouraged adultery]]
*[[Template:Talking about money]]
*[[Template:Template:Chapter 8 - Russians in business]]
*[[Template:The Importance of Equality]]
*[[Template:The Russian Soul]]
*[[Template:The Toast]]
*[[Template:The man is in charge]]
*[[Template:Time and Patience]]
*[[Template:Timeline item]]
*[[Template:Title Page]]
*[[Template:Untranslatable ideas]]
*[[Template:Verification - Trust but Verify]]
*[[Template:Visiting a Russian’s home]]
*[[Template:Walking barefoot and sitting on the floor]]
*[[Template:Westernizers and Slavophiles]]
*[[Template:Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts]]
*[[Template:Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?]]
*[[Template:Women in the workforce]]
*[[Template:Women—the Stronger Sex]]
*[[Template:Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance]]
*[[Template:Титульная страница]]
=== Templates ===
=== MediaWiki===
* [[Template:-  ]] 
* [[Template:11 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth  ]] 
* [[Template:13 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth  ]] 
* [[Template:2 13 Time Zones - The largest country on Earth  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Abortion  ]] 
* [[Template:2 About the Authors  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Acknowledgements  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge  ]] 
* [[Template:2 America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Americans expect total honesty in marriage  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Americans find Russian rude because they hardly ever say please or thank you]]
* [[Template:2 American’s infatuation with mental health]]
* [[Template:2 Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile]]
* [[Template:2 Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?]]
* [[Template:2 Bibliography]]
* [[Template:2 Body Language: Russians tend to gesture more  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Cheating in Universities  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Clothing and public appearance  ]] 
* [[Template:2 Collective vs. Individualist  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Divorce  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Domestic Abuse  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Fidelity and Adultery - Russians cheat A LOT whereas Americans act like Puritans  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Footnotes  ]]  
* [[Template:2 Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia  ]] 
Template:2 Further Reading and Links
Template:2 Gift giving
Template:2 Household furnishings
Template:2 Housework
Template:2 Immigration
Template:2 Index
Template:2 Intimate touch between friends
Template:2 Introduction - I have never met anyone who understood Russians - Collectivism versus Individualism.
Template:2 Language - different shades of meaning
Template:2 Marriage
Template:2 Russian pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist
Template:2 Russians Extremes and Contradictions
Template:2 Russians Lie
Template:2 Russians are cautious and deeply conservative
Template:2 Russians are long winded
Template:2 Russians are willing to cheat on there spouses more than 24 other countries
Template:2 Russians in business
Template:2 Russians interpret the question of “How are you
Template:2 Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans
Template:2 Russians superiority complex (Messianism)
Template:2 Russians’ rebellious spirit
Template:2 Russian’s Deep Distrust of Government
Template:2 Russia’s American Dream
Template:2 Sex
Template:2 Sex and dating
Template:2 Soviet Khrushchev administration policies encourages infidelity
Template:2 Soviet Propaganda - Americans’ smile hides deceit
Template:2 Soviet mentality and Russian leadership today
Template:2 Soviet policies which encouraged adultery
Template:2 Talking about money
Template:2 The Importance of Equality
Template:2 The Russian Soul
Template:2 The Toast
Template:2 The man is in charge
Template:2 Time and Patience
Template:2 Title Page
Template:2 Untranslatable ideas
Template:2 Verification - Trust but Verify
Template:2 Visiting a Russian’s home
Template:2 Walking barefoot and sitting on the floor
Template:2 Warning
Template:2 Westernizers and Slavophiles
Template:2 Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts
Template:2 Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?
Template:2 Women in the workforce
Template:2 Women—the Stronger Sex
Template:2 Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance
Template:About the Authors
Template:Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge
Template:America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy
Template:Americans expect total honesty in marriage
Template:Americans find Russian rude because they hardly ever say please or thank you
Template:American’s infatuation with mental health
Template:Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile
Template:Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?
Template:Body Language: Russians tend to gesture more
Template:Chapter 10 - Conclusion
Template:Chapter 11 - Conclusion
Template:Chapter 8 - Russians in business
Template:Cheating in Universities
Template:Clothing and public appearance
Template:Collective vs. Individualist
Template:Domestic Abuse
Template:Fidelity and Adultery - Russians cheat A LOT whereas Americans act like Puritans
Template:Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia
Template:Further Reading and Links
Template:Gift giving
Template:Household furnishings
Template:Intimate touch between friends
Template:Introduction - I have never met anyone who understood Russians - Collectivism versus Individualism.
Template:Language - different shades of meaning
Template:Muscovites are Shit
Template:Muscovites are shit
Template:Negotiating with a Russian
Template:Russian pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist
Template:Russians Extremes and Contradictions
Template:Russians Lie
Template:Russians are cautious and deeply conservative
Template:Russians are long winded
Template:Russians are willing to cheat on there spouses more than 24 other countries
Template:Russians in business
Template:Russians interpret the question of “How are you
Template:Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans
Template:Russians superiority complex (Messianism)
Template:Russians’ rebellious spirit
Template:Russian’s Deep Distrust of Government
Template:Russia’s American Dream
Template:Sex and dating
Template:Soviet Khrushchev administration policies encourages infidelity
Template:Soviet Propaganda - Americans’ smile hides deceit
Template:Soviet mentality and Russian leadership today
Template:Soviet policies which encouraged adultery
Template:Talking about money
Template:Template:Chapter 8 - Russians in business
Template:The Importance of Equality
Template:The Russian Soul
Template:The Toast
Template:The man is in charge
Template:Time and Patience
Template:Timeline item
Template:Title Page
Template:Untranslatable ideas
Template:Verification - Trust but Verify
Template:Visiting a Russian’s home
Template:Walking barefoot and sitting on the floor
Template:Westernizers and Slavophiles
Template:Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts
Template:Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?
Template:Women in the workforce
Template:Women—the Stronger Sex
Template:Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance
Template:Титульная страница
== June 7 2024 ==
* [[MediaWiki:Common.css]]
=== # ===
* [[MediaWiki:Common.js]]
*[[12 reasons why Russia Sucks]]
* [[MediaWiki:Copyrightpage]]
* [[MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning]]
* [[MediaWiki:Copyrightwarning2]]
* [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]]
==June 7 2024 ==
=== A  ===
*[[12 reasons why Russia Sucks ]] 
*[[A: Visiting a Russian’s home]]
*[[5g ]] 
*[[ABBYY Finereader]]
*[[A: Visiting a Russian’s home ]]  
*[[ABBYY Finereader ]]  
*[[About the Authors]]
*[[Abbyy ]]  
*[[Abu Ghraib Torture and the Philippine War Imperialist]]
*[[About the Authors ]]  
*[[Abu Ghraib Torture and the Philippine War Imperialist ]]  
*[[Afghanistan War]]
*[[Adobe ]]  
*[[Afghanistan War ]]  
*[[Alan Akamba Section]]
*[[Ahk ]]  
*[[Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge]]
*[[Alan Akamba Section ]]  
*[[Alexander dugin]]
*[[Alcoholism - Russia’s Scourge ]]  
*[[All pages]]
*[[Alexander dugin ]]  
*[[America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)]]
*[[All pages ]]  
*[[America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017) ]]  
*[[America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017) (Russian)]]
*[[America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017) (Russian)]]
*[[America:Bike ]]  
*[[America: Credit ]]  
*[[America: Credit]]
*[[America: Legal (General) ]]  
*[[America: Legal (General)]]
*[[America: Nonprofit ]]  
*[[America: Nonprofit]]
*[[America: Political Action Committee ]]  
*[[America: Political Action Committee]]
*[[America: SallieMae Lawsuit ]]  
*[[America: SallieMae Lawsuit]]
*[[America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
*[[America is the most individualistic nation in the world, whereas Russia has no word for privacy]]
American observations about life in Moscow
*[[American observations about life in Moscow]]
American weapons manufacturers
*[[American weapons manufacturers]]
Americans in Russia
*[[Americans in Russia]]
American’s infatuation with mental health
*[[American’s infatuation with mental health]]
App - Call Recorder
*[[App - Call Recorder]]
April fools
*[[April fools]]
At Home
*[[At Home]]
Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile
=== B  ===
Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?
*[[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile]]
*[[Beyond Fruit - Why don’t Russians smile?]]
Blog - Wordpress
Business 2.0
*[[Blog - Wordpress]]
Cards against humanity
*[[Business 2.0]]
Caution and Conservatism
Chapter 1: Russian Coconuts & American Peaches - Why don’t Russians Smile?
Chase/Class Action Law Suits
Chase/Congressional Oversight
Chase/Dual tracking
Cheating in Universities
Choices - The Adjustment Bureau and The Time Machine
Citation:Amnesty (Russian)
Citation:Gandi (Russian)
Citation:King (Russian)
Citation:WashingtonPost (Russian)
Class facebook
Collective Guilt
Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma
Communication Differences
Congress for Cultural Freedom
Contacting Russian Oligarchs, Duma members, and Putin's inner circle
Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States
Council for Foreign and Defense Policy
Criminal records
Culture Map
Download books
Duma Members
Edit videos
English/Legal English
English 2
English links
English schools search
Example 1
Follow-up after an interview with a hostile American - June 21 2020 Saturday
Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia
Further Reading and links
Further reading
Geoff Sebesta
Gerasimov Doctrine
Get involved
Google doc
Government Notes
Grants for Charities
Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)
Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002) (Russian)
Head transplant
How you can help (Russian)
How you can help / Further reading
Hunger in America
Immigration Law Practice
Interview Tuesday November 4 2020
Interview materials with a hostile American - June 21 2020 Saturday
Intimate touch between friends
John Mark Dougan
Judicial Institute of RTH (MIIT)
Julian Assange (Wikileaks)
KGB Spy town
Kill List
Kindle books
Language - different shades of meaning
Law presentation at Judicial Institute of RTH (MIIT)
Leadership sociology class
Legal english
Let's Get Married
Let's Get Married/Comments
Let's Get Married (old)
Let them talk
Lets Get Married/Translation
Lust in translation
Main Page
Main Page/old
Main Page (Russian)
Main Page Copy
Main page/test (header)
Mass mailing anti-American propaganda to Eastern Ukraine
Mass mailing anti-American propaganda to Eastern Ukraine (Russian)
Masters in International Relations (Diplomat)
Memorial/October 16 2019 Event - Lawyers killed by USSR
Metro 2
Michael Bohm
Microsoft Office
Moscow/Soviet propaganda posters
Moscow American Web design
Movies and Television Shows
My health: Teeth
Naom Chomsky
Negotiating with a Russian
Non-Governmental Organization
Nopa dog
One American's observations about life in Moscow
Online comment sections
Optical Character Recognition
Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis
Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis (Russian)
Past research
Peace:Jeff Monson
Peace:May 1787
Peace:Psychological Research Explains Why People Protest
Peace:Russian Peace
Peace: Invest in America First: Bring Our Troops Home Now
Peace: Iraq War
Peace: Make Russia Great Again
Peace: May 1787
Peace: My Career Path
Peace: Resume for Amnesty International
Peace: Sociology Week 6 final paper social change the united states most violent country in world BIGGER
Peace: Yemen
Peace Corps Ukraine orphanage remodeling projects with the United States Navy (2001) and US Coast Guard (2002)
Peace chicken
Pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist
Pete keidl (USAE) - Witnessed the CIA overthrow of Allende on September 11, 1973
Political asylum 2016
Putin 2
Russia is harassing U.S. diplomats all over Europe
Russia law school (Pericles)
Russian/Music Movies and Television Shows
Russian English
Russian Peace
Russian and English syllabary and phonemes
Russian version of the book
Russians Extremes and Contradictions
Russians are long winded
Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans
Russians superiority complex (Messianism)
Russians’ rebellious spirit (completely rewrite)
Salt Lake Tribune
Second Edition
Smart Med
*[[Smuggling State of Utah information to Russia
*[[Smuggling classified secret cyber documents to Russia
*[[Smuggling state secrets to Russia
*[[Smuggling state secrets to Russia/Files
*[[Social Distancing (rename) “The Peach and the Coconut: A Guide to Collaboration for Global Teams” BOOK - Acquire
*[[Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade
*[[Sociology: Class
*[[Sociology: Feminism
*[[Sociology: Psychological Operations
*[[Sociology: Social Class
*[[Sociology and War
*[[Sock puppet
*[[Soviet Author's Humor Has a Bitter Aftertaste
*[[Soviet Propaganda
*[[Special thanks
*[[Spy books
*[[Spy games
*[[Stephen Krisel interview June 21 2020 Saturday
*[[Sunday, August 9, 2020
*[[Templates/Only for book content
*[[Templates/Russian version
*[[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man
*[[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man Do you know the difference between dating a European man versus an American man?
*[[The Chinese Century
*[[The City (*)
*[[The Forest
*[[The Importance of Equality
*[[The Values Americans Live By
*[[The Wall Street Journal: American Pundit Russians Love to Hate Is in Hot Demand
*[[Time Will Tell
*[[Time and Patience
*[[Title Page
Traitor codes
Truth About Russia: Characteristics of a Meeting
Ukrainian spy
Unknown America. Differences between Americans and Russians
Verification - Trust but Verify
Video record screen
W:Article Rescue Squadron
W:Article Rescue Squadron/Current articles
W:Article Rescue Squadron/Hall of Fame
W:Article Rescue Squadron/Members
W:WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron/Newsletter
W:WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron/Tabbed header
W:Wikipedia:Article Rescue Squadron – Rescue list
Web hosting
Wedded Strangers
Westernizers and Slavophiles
What are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs?
What are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs (Russian)?
Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?
Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?
Wikipedia - Copyright Tools
Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 1
Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 2
Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 3
Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 4
=== C  ===
Yandex Zen
Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance
*[[Cards against humanity]]
*[[Caution and Conservatism]]
*[[Chapter 1: Russian Coconuts & American Peaches - Why don’t Russians Smile?]]
Неизвестная Америка
*[[Chase/Class Action Law Suits]]
*[[Chase/Congressional Oversight]]
*[[Chase/Dual tracking]]
*[[Cheating in Universities]]
*[[Choices - The Adjustment Bureau and The Time Machine]]
*[[Citation:Amnesty (Russian)]]
*[[Citation:Gandi (Russian)]]
*[[Citation:King (Russian)]]
*[[Citation:WashingtonPost (Russian)]]
*[[Class facebook]]
*[[Collective Guilt]]
*[[Committee on International Affairs of the State Duma]]
*[[Communication Differences]]
*[[Congress for Cultural Freedom]]
*[[Contacting Russian Oligarchs, Duma members, and Putin's inner circle]]
*[[Copyright as an economic weapon against the United States]]
*[[Council for Foreign and Defense Policy]]
*[[Criminal records]]
*[[Culture Map]]
*[[Download books]]
*[[Duma Members]]
*[[Edit videos]]
*[[English/Legal English]]
*[[English 2]]
*[[English links]]
*[[English schools search]]
*[[Example 1]]
*[[Follow-up after an interview with a hostile American - June 21 2020 Saturday]]
*[[Friends - the key to getting anything done in Russia]]
*[[Further Reading and links]]
*[[Further reading]]
*[[Geoff Sebesta]]
*[[Gerasimov Doctrine]]
*[[Get involved]]
*[[Google doc]]
*[[Government Notes]]
*[[Grants for Charities]]
*[[Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)]]
*[[Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002) (Russian)]]
*[[Head transplant]]
*[[How you can help (Russian)]]
*[[How you can help / Further reading]]
*[[Hunger in America]]
*[[Immigration Law Practice]]
*[[Interview Tuesday November 4 2020]]
*[[Interview materials with a hostile American - June 21 2020 Saturday]]
*[[Intimate touch between friends]]
*[[John Mark Dougan]]
*[[Judicial Institute of RTH (MIIT)]]
*[[Julian Assange (Wikileaks)]]
*[[KGB Spy town]]
*[[Kill List]]
*[[Kindle books]]
*[[Language - different shades of meaning]]
*[[Law presentation at Judicial Institute of RTH (MIIT)]]
*[[Leadership sociology class]]
*[[Legal english]]
*[[Let's Get Married]]
*[[Let's Get Married/Comments]]
*[[Let's Get Married (old)]]
*[[Let them talk]]
*[[Lets Get Married/Translation]]
*[[Lust in translation]]
*[[Main Page]]
*[[Main Page/old]]
*[[Main Page (Russian)]]
*[[Main Page Copy]]
*[[Main page/test (header)]]
*[[Mass mailing anti-American propaganda to Eastern Ukraine]]
*[[Mass mailing anti-American propaganda to Eastern Ukraine (Russian)]]
*[[Masters in International Relations (Diplomat)]]
*[[Memorial/October 16 2019 Event - Lawyers killed by USSR]]
*[[Metro 2]]
*[[Michael Bohm]]
*[[Microsoft Office]]
*[[Moscow/Soviet propaganda posters]]
*[[Moscow American Web design]]
*[[Movies and Television Shows]]
*[[My health: Teeth]]
*[[Naom Chomsky]]
*[[Negotiating with a Russian]]
*[[Non-Governmental Organization]]
*[[Nopa dog]]
*[[One American's observations about life in Moscow]]
*[[Online comment sections]]
*[[Optical Character Recognition]]
*[[Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis]]
*[[Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis (Russian)]]
*[[Past research]]
*[[Peace:Jeff Monson]]
*[[Peace:May 1787]]
*[[Peace:Psychological Research Explains Why People Protest]]
*[[Peace:Russian Peace]]
*[[Peace: Invest in America First: Bring Our Troops Home Now]]
*[[Peace: Iraq War]]
*[[Peace: Make Russia Great Again]]
*[[Peace: May 1787]]
*[[Peace: My Career Path]]
*[[Peace: Resume for Amnesty International]]
*[[Peace: Sociology Week 6 final paper social change the united states most violent country in world BIGGER]]
*[[Peace: Yemen]]
*[[Peace Corps Ukraine orphanage remodeling projects with the United States Navy (2001) and US Coast Guard (2002)]]
*[[Peace chicken]]
*[[Pessimism - A pessimist is an informed optimist]]
*[[Pete keidl (USAE) - Witnessed the CIA overthrow of Allende on September 11, 1973]]
*[[Political asylum 2016]]
*[[Putin 2]]
*[[Russia is harassing U.S. diplomats all over Europe]]
*[[Russia law school (Pericles)]]
*[[Russian/Music Movies and Television Shows]]
*[[Russian English]]
*[[Russian Peace]]
*[[Russian and English syllabary and phonemes]]
*[[Russian version of the book]]
*[[Russians Extremes and Contradictions]]
*[[Russians are long winded]]
*[[Russians interpret the question of “How are you?” and strangers asking personal questions very differently than Americans]]
*[[Russians superiority complex (Messianism)]]
*[[Russians’ rebellious spirit (completely rewrite)]]
*[[Salt Lake Tribune]]
*[[Second Edition]]
*[[Smart Med]]
*[[Smuggling State of Utah information to Russia]]
*[[Smuggling classified secret cyber documents to Russia]]
*[[Smuggling state secrets to Russia]]
*[[Smuggling state secrets to Russia/Files]]
*[[Social Distancing (rename) “The Peach and the Coconut: A Guide to Collaboration for Global Teams” BOOK - Acquire]]
*[[Society for Effecting the Abolition of the Slave Trade]]
*[[Sociology: Class]]
*[[Sociology: Feminism]]
*[[Sociology: Psychological Operations]]
*[[Sociology: Social Class]]
*[[Sociology and War]]
*[[Sock puppet]]
*[[Soviet Author's Humor Has a Bitter Aftertaste]]
*[[Soviet Propaganda]]
*[[Special thanks]]
*[[Spy books]]
*[[Spy games]]
*[[Stephen Krisel interview June 21 2020 Saturday]]
*[[Sunday, August 9, 2020]]
*[[Templates/Only for book content]]
*[[Templates/Russian version]]
*[[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man]]
*[[The 11 Differences Between Dating a European Man vs an American Man Do you know the difference between dating a European man versus an American man?]]
*[[The Chinese Century]]
*[[The City (*)]]
*[[The Forest]]
*[[The Importance of Equality]]
*[[The Values Americans Live By]]
*[[The Wall Street Journal: American Pundit Russians Love to Hate Is in Hot Demand]]
*[[Time Will Tell]]
*[[Time and Patience]]
*[[Title Page]]
*[[Traitor codes]]
*[[Truth About Russia: Characteristics of a Meeting]]
*[[Ukrainian spy]]
*[[Unknown America. Differences between Americans and Russians]]
*[[Verification - Trust but Verify]]
*[[Video record screen]]
*[[W:Article Rescue Squadron]]
*[[W:Article Rescue Squadron/Current articles]]
*[[W:Article Rescue Squadron/Hall of Fame]]
*[[W:Article Rescue Squadron/Members]]
*[[W:WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron/Newsletter]]
*[[W:WikiProject Article Rescue Squadron/Tabbed header]]
*[[W:Wikipedia:Article Rescue Squadron – Rescue list]]
*[[Web hosting]]
*[[Wedded Strangers]]
*[[Westernizers and Slavophiles]]
*[[What are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs?]]
*[[What are you willing to sacrifice for your beliefs (Russian)?]]
*[[Why are Americans like peaches and Russians are like Coconuts?]]
*[[Why do we ignore the civilians killed in American wars?]]
*[[Wikipedia - Copyright Tools]]
*[[Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 1]]
*[[Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 2]]
*[[Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 3]]
*[[Wt:Article Rescue Squadron/Archive 4]]
*[[Yandex Zen]]
*[[Your American smile may be misinterpreted as arrogance]]
*[[Неизвестная Америка]]

Latest revision as of 05:51, 7 June 2024

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June 7 2024




