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Russian Orthodox Saint - lawyer assassinated in 1922
==Sell unused space in luggage==
'''Airmule''' - focuses on the shipping for its approach, allowing travelers to post open space in their luggage allocations and shippers to pay for each pound.
* https://www.airmule.com/routes/
'''Grabr'''  -  focuses on creating a pathway for consumers to get a specific item such as a drone or a pair of shoes delivered to them directly by hand, putting the onus on the traveler to locate the product and pitch a competitive price.  
Ковшаров, Иван Михайлович
Иван Михайлович Ковшаров (26 июля 1878, Одесса — 13 августа 1922, Петроград) — российский юрист, адвокат, юрисконсульт Александро-Невской лавры. Расстрелян по приговору Петроградского ревтрибунала 13 августа 1922. Причислен к лику святых Русской Православной церкви в 1992 году.
Иван Михайлович Ковшаров
'''Alternatives to Airmule''': https://www.producthunt.com/alternatives/airmule
Иоанн Михайлович Ковшаров.jpg
26 июля 1878
13 августа 1922 (44 года)
в православии
В лике
День памяти
31 июля (13 августа)
мученическая кончина
Родился в 1878 году в Одессе в семье мещанина[1]. Михаила Ивановича Ковшарова; дед его, Иван Иванович Ковшаров, был наиболее значительным одесским иконописцем и художником по интерьерам 2-й трети XIX века, среди его работ — роспись одесского Преображенского кафедрального собора и дворца М. С. Воронцова.
Во время учёбы на юридическом факультете Новороссийского (Одесского) университета он изучал церковное право у Александра Ивановича Алмазова, а римское право у Михаила Яковлевича Пергамента. Последнего за ораторское искусство называли одесским златоустом. Возможно, его личность повлияла на выбор Ковшаровым по окончании университета профессии адвоката.
===Forbes Article===
Окончив университет в 1903 году, служил помощником присяжного поверенного в Одессе. По некоторым данным[1], участвовал в политических процессах большевиков и анархистов на стороне защиты.
A new crop of mobile apps wants to monetize unused airline luggage space by paying travelers to carry items for third parties.
В 1906 году переехал в Санкт-Петербург. В столице Ковшаров служил помощником присяжного поверенного Ксаверия Ивановича Валицкого.
The new technologies come from Airmule and Grabr, two similar mobile apps that allow travelers to match their upcoming itineraries to customers who want an inexpensive tool for shipping. Each app takes a security-first approach to the transactions. Shippers and travelers must be verified and a rating system much like Yelp YELP  is used to rank the integrity of each party.
В 1908 году он был зарегистрирован в качестве присяжного стряпчего при столичном коммерческом суде.
Where the two new apps differ is in their approach towards goods shipped. Grabr focuses on creating a pathway for consumers to get a specific item such as a drone or a pair of shoes delivered to them directly by hand, putting the onus on the traveler to locate the product and pitch a competitive price. Airmule focuses on the shipping for its approach, allowing travelers to post open space in their luggage allocations and shippers to pay for each pound. One traveling from New York to London with a 50 lb allocation over three checked bags, for example, could post 150 lbs of shipping available at $4 per lb, generating a potential income of $600. In both cases, traveler and shipper need to coordinate the property exchange.
С 1911 года состоял присяжным поверенным Санкт-Петербургского округа Судебной палаты[Комм 1]. Связи с одесской адвокатурой Ковшаров не терял. Пригласил к себе в качестве помощников присяжного поверенного одесситов Григория Александровича Гольдштейна и Ипполита Ефимовича Лермана (расстрелян в 1937 году).
In principle, the services are a unique way to capitalize on unused luggage space while providing boutique delivery service and a pathway for budget travelers to make a bit of side income. But the programs are neither without complexity nor risk.
Во время своей адвокатской деятельности он вел имущественные дела церковных организаций, несколько раз выступал в качестве защитника в политических процессах.
On a recent leisure trip that I took from San Francisco to Rio De Janeiro, I posted 210 lbs of available space on Airmule. Though a shipper quickly reached out to me for courier service, her package was a one pound envelope and she needed to overnight it to me in the Bay Area. Once in Rio, I needed to find a post office and send the envelope to São Paulo. On a weekend. For the $4 shipping fee plus a few extra dollars for my time.
С 1907 по 1912 год — помощник юрисконсульта Александро-Невской лавры Василия Соколова.
There's also the matter of airline security. While both programs thoroughly vet their respective parties, many potential travelers are uncomfortable shipping items that they aren't completely familiar with. Grabr counters this by pointing out that consumers or shippers only need ask for particular goods while the onus is on the traveler to purchase the items and package them. Airmule says it provides an extra layer of security by requiring senders to upload photos of their items and providing a thorough paper trail of the transaction.
После Февральской революции 1917 года принимал участие в возрождении Партии народных социалистов.
The airline and customs side of security is a bit more murky. Neither spokesmen from United nor American would comment for this story while a Transportation Security Agency spokesman could only confirm that the agency is reviewing the applications.
С 1918 года — член Духовного собора и юрисконсульт лавры.
Constraints within the airline industry paired with the general comfort of travelers shipping potentially unknown items will be the biggest challenges for Airmule and Grabr apps. Like sharing a car or a vacation rental, however, the travel industry and the consumer base may eventually adapt to sharing luggage -- and when they do, I'll be the first person selling my unused cargo space.
Весной 1918 года на Петроградском епархиальном съезде духовенства и мирян был избран комиссаром по епархиальным делам «для представительства и защиты общих прав и интересов» Петроградской епархии.
Ковшаров, ранее защищавший революционеров от царского правительства, теперь защищал Церковь, её служителей и имущество от новой власти. Он активно препятствовал закрытию церквей. Такое противодействие Ковшарова антирелигиозной политике властей не оставалось незамеченным.
Был среди членов правления Общества православных приходов Петрограда и губернии, которые выступали за компромисс с властями по вопросу о помощи голодающим. 6 марта 1922 года сопровождал митрополита Вениамина в Смольный на переговоры об изъятии церковных ценностей с членами комиссии «Помгола» Петроградского Совета, на которых представителям Церкви удалось достичь консенсуса с «Помголом».
В марте 1922 года был арестован и с 10 июня 1922 года был одним из основных подсудимых на Петроградском «процессе по делу о сопротивлении изъятию церковных ценностей».
Характеризовался как человек умный, убеждённый, решительный. По словам протопресвитера Михаила Польского, Ковшаров, «с первой же минуты процесса, ясно предвидевший его неизбежный финал, давал на поставленные ему вопросы хладнокровные, меткие по смыслу и часто едкие по форме ответы». В своём выступлении подробно разобрал доводы обвинения, виновным себя не признал и закончил словами: «Для братской могилы в шестнадцать человек материала для обвинения мало» (обвинение требовало 16 смертных приговоров).
Был приговорён к смертной казни. Расстрелян вместе с митрополитом Вениамином (Казанским), архимандритом Сергием (Шеиным) и профессором Юрием Новицким.
Реабилитирован посмертно постановлением Президиума Верховного суда РСФСР 31 октября 1990 года.
Причислен к лику святых как новомученик в 1992 году на Архиерейском соборе Русской Православной Церкви.
↑ 1 2 [Ерофеев К.Б. Адвокат-мученик Иван Ковшаров // Совет присяжных поверенных при Санкт-Петербургской судебной палате, 2 мая 1866 года — 24 ноября 1917 года: взгляд 150 лет спустя:[сборник статей]. — Санкт-Петербург: Любавич, 2016. — С. 151—167. — 978-5-86983-726-4.]
Иоанн Петроградский, мученик на сайте «Русское православие»
Мученик Иоанн (Иван Михайлович Ковшаров)
Ковшаров Иван Михайлович в базе данных ПСТГУ
Емец С. И. Мученик Иоанн — присяжный поверенный Иван Михайлович Ковшаров
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Kovsharov, Ivan Mikhailovich
Ivan Mikhailovich Kovsharov (July 26, 1878, Odessa - August 13, 1922, Petrograd) - Russian lawyer, attorney, legal adviser of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.  He was shot by the verdict of the Petrograd Revolutionary Tribunal on August 13, 1922. He was counted as a saint of the Russian Orthodox Church in 1992.
Ivan Mikhailovich Kovsharov
John M. Kovsharov.jpg
July 26, 1878
August 13, 1922 (44 years old)
Is revered
in orthodoxy
In the face
Day of Remembrance
July 31 (August 13)
Born in 1878 in Odessa in the family of a tradesman [1].  Mikhail Ivanovich Kovsharov;  his grandfather, Ivan Ivanovich Kovsharov, was the most significant Odessa icon painter and interior designer of the 2nd third of the 19th century, among his works - painting of the Odessa Transfiguration Cathedral and the palace of M. S. Vorontsov.
While studying at the law faculty of Novorossiysk (Odessa) University, he studied church law with Alexander Ivanovich Almazov, and Roman law with Mikhail Yakovlevich Parchment.  The latter for oratory was called Odessa Chrysostom.  Perhaps his personality influenced the choice of Kovsharov after graduating from the university as a lawyer.
After graduating from university in 1903, he served as an assistant attorney in Odessa.  According to some data [1], he participated in the political processes of the Bolsheviks and anarchists on the side of the defense.
In 1906 he moved to St. Petersburg.  In the capital, Kovsharov served as an assistant to the attorney Xavier Ivanovich Valitsky.
In 1908, he was registered as a sworn solicitor at the Metropolitan Commercial Court.
Since 1911, he was a sworn attorney of the St. Petersburg District of the Trial Chamber [Comm 1].  Kovsharov did not lose touch with Odessa lawyers.  He invited to his place as assistant sworn attorneys of the inhabitants of Odessa, Grigory Alexandrovich Goldstein and Ippolit Efimovich Lerman (shot in 1937).
During his advocacy, he led the property affairs of church organizations, several times acted as a defender in political processes.
From 1907 to 1912 - assistant to the legal adviser of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra Vasily Sokolov.
After the February Revolution of 1917, he took part in the revival of the Party of Popular Socialists.
Since 1918 - a member of the Spiritual Cathedral and legal adviser of the Lavra.
In the spring of 1918, at the Petrograd Diocesan Congress of the clergy and laity, he was elected Commissioner for Diocesan Affairs "to represent and protect the common rights and interests" of the Diocese of Petrograd.
Kovsharov, who had previously defended the revolutionaries from the tsarist government, now defended the Church, its ministers and property from the new government.  He actively prevented the closure of churches.  Such opposition by Kovsharov to the anti-religious policy of the authorities did not go unnoticed.
He was among the members of the board of the Society of Orthodox Parishes of Petrograd and the province, who advocated a compromise with the authorities on the issue of helping the starving.  On March 6, 1922, he accompanied Metropolitan Benjamin to Smolny for negotiations on the seizure of church property with members of the Pomgol commission of the Petrograd Soviet, at which Church representatives were able to reach a consensus with the Pomgol.
In March 1922 he was arrested and from June 10, 1922 he was one of the main defendants at the Petrograd "trial in the case of resistance to the seizure of church property."
Characterized as a smart, convinced, decisive person.  According to Protopresbyter Mikhail Polsky, Kovsharov, “from the very first minute of the process, clearly foreseeing its inevitable ending, he would give answers to the questions posed to him in cold-blooded, accurate in meaning and often caustic in form”.  In his speech, he examined in detail the arguments of the prosecution, pleaded not guilty and ended with the words: “For the mass grave of sixteen people there is not enough material for the prosecution” (the prosecution required 16 death sentences).
He was sentenced to death.  He was shot along with Metropolitan Benjamin (Kazan), Archimandrite Sergius (Shein) and Professor Yuri Novitsky.
Rehabilitated posthumously by a decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on October 31, 1990.
He was counted as a new martyr in 1992 at the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.
↑ 1 2 [Erofeev KB  Martyr lawyer Ivan Kovsharov // Council of jurors at the St. Petersburg Court of Justice, May 2, 1866 - November 24, 1917: look 150 years later: [collection of articles].  - St. Petersburg: Lubavich, 2016 .-- S. 151-167.  - 978-5-86983-726-4.]
John of Petrograd, martyr on the site "Russian Orthodoxy"
Martyr John (Ivan Mikhailovich Kovsharov)
Kovsharov Ivan Mikhailovich in the PSTGU database
Yemets S. I. Martyr John - sworn attorney Ivan Mikhailovich Kovsharov
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Revision as of 06:31, 4 September 2019

Sell unused space in luggage

Airmule - focuses on the shipping for its approach, allowing travelers to post open space in their luggage allocations and shippers to pay for each pound.

Grabr - focuses on creating a pathway for consumers to get a specific item such as a drone or a pair of shoes delivered to them directly by hand, putting the onus on the traveler to locate the product and pitch a competitive price.

Alternatives to Airmule: https://www.producthunt.com/alternatives/airmule

Forbes Article


A new crop of mobile apps wants to monetize unused airline luggage space by paying travelers to carry items for third parties.

The new technologies come from Airmule and Grabr, two similar mobile apps that allow travelers to match their upcoming itineraries to customers who want an inexpensive tool for shipping. Each app takes a security-first approach to the transactions. Shippers and travelers must be verified and a rating system much like Yelp YELP is used to rank the integrity of each party.

Where the two new apps differ is in their approach towards goods shipped. Grabr focuses on creating a pathway for consumers to get a specific item such as a drone or a pair of shoes delivered to them directly by hand, putting the onus on the traveler to locate the product and pitch a competitive price. Airmule focuses on the shipping for its approach, allowing travelers to post open space in their luggage allocations and shippers to pay for each pound. One traveling from New York to London with a 50 lb allocation over three checked bags, for example, could post 150 lbs of shipping available at $4 per lb, generating a potential income of $600. In both cases, traveler and shipper need to coordinate the property exchange.

In principle, the services are a unique way to capitalize on unused luggage space while providing boutique delivery service and a pathway for budget travelers to make a bit of side income. But the programs are neither without complexity nor risk.

On a recent leisure trip that I took from San Francisco to Rio De Janeiro, I posted 210 lbs of available space on Airmule. Though a shipper quickly reached out to me for courier service, her package was a one pound envelope and she needed to overnight it to me in the Bay Area. Once in Rio, I needed to find a post office and send the envelope to São Paulo. On a weekend. For the $4 shipping fee plus a few extra dollars for my time.

There's also the matter of airline security. While both programs thoroughly vet their respective parties, many potential travelers are uncomfortable shipping items that they aren't completely familiar with. Grabr counters this by pointing out that consumers or shippers only need ask for particular goods while the onus is on the traveler to purchase the items and package them. Airmule says it provides an extra layer of security by requiring senders to upload photos of their items and providing a thorough paper trail of the transaction.

The airline and customs side of security is a bit more murky. Neither spokesmen from United nor American would comment for this story while a Transportation Security Agency spokesman could only confirm that the agency is reviewing the applications.

Constraints within the airline industry paired with the general comfort of travelers shipping potentially unknown items will be the biggest challenges for Airmule and Grabr apps. Like sharing a car or a vacation rental, however, the travel industry and the consumer base may eventually adapt to sharing luggage -- and when they do, I'll be the first person selling my unused cargo space.