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Evgenia 39 years old realtor, dances Russian folkdances, sings karaoke, is engaged in growing flowers and vegetable. swarns that he will have breakfast and the future chosen one will be alone dreams of having a big family.  Evgenia lived with a Frenchman for 13 years but fell in love with him and couldn’t hope that Travis would awaken her real feelings.  
Evgenia 39 years old realtor, dances Russian folkdances, sings karaoke, is engaged in growing flowers and vegetable. swarns that he will have breakfast and the future chosen one will be alone dreams of having a big family.  Evgenia lived with a Frenchman for 13 years but fell in love with him and couldn’t hope that Travis would awaken her real feelings.  
they said that she likes to grow flowers and by the way they say that if a girl takes good care for flowers, it means she’s good, they didn’t beat the material life, why did it take you 13 years to understand the man who is next to you is not loved and you will never fall in love with him?
They said that she likes to grow flowers and by the way they say that if a girl takes good care for flowers, it means she’s good, they didn’t beat the material life, why did it take you 13 years to understand the man who is next to you is not loved and you will never fall in love with him?
whom you meet I will help even you once said gives us some experience up to 12 years with an unloved one and the thing is that at first we had a feeling when I met him I had just arrived in Moscow and for me it was my first acquaintance with aman and also for foreigners it was you are a Frenchman we'll talk in French lovers the first man this is the first this is not a lover who is this common-law husband It seems to me that in mineral externals they are different It seems to me that such a calmer, quiet, kind girl would be more suitable for him, but outwardly it seems to me that she is his type very similar, it was a male cohabitant with whom you had an open relationship, you could at the same time look for the great love of another man, so your girlfriends agreed and he was also free from obligations,it was already after a while because when we met him everything was fine everything wonderful, but when we went on vacation with him and on vacation, I just now you heard that it’s your dad, it’s your dad.something else they gave birth to when I was 13 and when I was 25 years old, yes, I didn’t plan it, I thought I needed to live a little longer, and then when he himself began to suggest that let’s get married, let’s definitely want a daughter too, well, somehow I didn’t want to marry my dad and I didn’t want to, I lost my best young years, in the end I couldn’t,but during the time of giving birth to a child,well, maybe they didn’t really want to, so everything could be why you needed him, I understand, and they needed you, why did he love you so much, yes he I didn’t hide the morning I loved you yes yes you broke up with them finally and finally well okay now let’s see how Travis knows English I don’t know English but I have a lot of experience 13 years of communication I didn’t ideally learn French but I learned how to translate from Russian into Russian that is it not certain forms canal ready be felt and understood inside, infact, even French doesn’t look like Lenskand what language is it and I studied Italian for Russian and therefore, well,well, well, English is at the level of ordering in a restaurant like about and for us tofornicate absolutely everyday absolutelyeveryday level therefore, that is, it wasn’t, well, some kind of thing, but it happened before leaving,yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the thread sings so much,yes, what is it talking about, they say, they are trying to understand, there is nothing, the main practice is a large family of three children and the matter will already cool down to listen and understand this they don’t say the road to you 39 years old lovely wants a daughter for you it’s not too late no no it’s not too late I’m very even if I give you nude how they will give out a year of dust to rub each other there to get married and so on at 40 it says I’m here I have a gynecologist client an article of new interesting information therefore,taking away the words, I will try, by the way,the period I wrote a dissertation, what is the best age for children to bear children? This is 2428if a woman gives birth within 30 to 40,she has problems after even about 50,cancer, and so on, and if she gives birth after 40, that is the problem of the child Well,and she’s trying to catch up with her story and it’s not happening, why now dissertations a real so different, why now tointimidate the heroine, come out and dissuade her from having children, in principle, she doesn’t understand that not everyone, but I want to say thatwomen who groan for a long time do not get pregnant and don’t have children at all, also different, got sick, this is the aunt who wrote from the heart, she’s just an idiot and a fool because basically a woman gives birth from 30 to 40,it’s that they are all enslaved, well,stop, rose, I don’t even want to listen to his strength, but we giving birth to Roma late, I’ll express why and I took the first one at 32 years old,how can you even pass off any of your conclusions as the truth in the first instance, why are impressionable people who then live with it and they didn’t have any predisposition, they drive themselves into this problem of that According toa ll gynecological studies, giving birth is useful,no one is saying that you need to do it uncontrollably or wait until 50, but in general, women who give birth even in adulthood have fewer problems than those who generally do not know, so I don’t know, I think that the address to get one is on your mantacommon child that they are in general this age category, in principle optimal yes yes they suit each other very much you like Travis yes very kind lived and very face the eyes of the other devour neither stake nor yard rented apartment in Moscow I rent my own apartment in the Rostov region why rent together all more economically will be found shorter to communicate with yes I'm very sorry eating tried very hard brought although oh what a beautiful cake you have two bonuses lefta date alone squeak years in the closet skeleton skeleton on let's find out which skeleton now it turns out that it's not really 15children she doesn't have skeletons in closet, it seems to me that it is impossible for a person not to have any skeleton,every person has one anyway, and surprise of course let's show.
whom you meet I will help even you once said gives us some experience up to 12 years with an unloved one and the thing is that at first we had a feeling when I met him I had just arrived in Moscow. and for me it was my first acquaintance with a man and also for foreigners it was you are a Frenchman we'll talk in French lovers the first man this is the first this is not a lover who is this common-law husband.
It seems to me that in mineral externals they are different. It seems to me that such a calmer, quiet, kind girl would be more suitable for him, but outwardly it seems to me that she is his type very similar, it was a male cohabitant with whom you had an open relationship, you could at the same time look for the great love of another man, so your girlfriends agreed and he was also free from obligations,it was already after a while because when we met him everything was fine everything wonderful, but when we went on vacation with him and on vacation, I just now you heard that it’s your dad, it’s your dad.something else they gave birth to when I was 13 and when I was 25 years old, yes, I didn’t plan it, I thought I needed to live a little longer, and then when he himself began to suggest that let’s get married, let’s definitely want a daughter too, well, somehow I didn’t want to marry my dad and I didn’t want to, I lost my best young years, in the end I couldn’t,but during the time of giving birth to a child,well, maybe they didn’t really want to, so everything could be why you needed him, I understand, and they needed you, why did he love you so much, yes he I didn’t hide the morning I loved you yes yes you broke up with them finally and finally well okay now let’s see how Travis knows English.
I don’t know English but I have a lot of experience 13 years of communication I didn’t ideally learn French but I learned how to translate from Russian into Russian that is it not certain forms canal ready be felt and understood inside, in fact, even French doesn’t look like Lenskand what language is it and I studied Italian for Russian and therefore, well,well, well, English is at the level of ordering in a restaurant like about and for us to fornicate absolutely everyday absolutely everyday level therefore, that is, it wasn’t, well, some kind of thing, but it happened before leaving, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the thread sings so much,yes, what is it talking about, they say, they are trying to understand, there is nothing, the main practice is a large family of three children and the matter will already cool down to listen and understand this they don’t say the road to you 39 years old lovely wants a daughter for you it’s not too late no no it’s not too late I’m very even if I give you nude how they will give out a year of dust to rub each other there to get married and so on at 40 it says I’m here I have a gynecologist client an article of new interesting information therefore,taking away the words, I will try, by the way,the period I wrote a dissertation, what is the best age for children to bear children? This is 2428if a woman gives birth within 30 to 40,she has problems after even about 50,cancer, and so on, and if she gives birth after 40, that is the problem of the child Well,and she’s trying to catch up with her story and it’s not happening, why now dissertations a real so different, why now tointimidate the heroine, come out and dissuade her from having children, in principle, she doesn’t understand that not everyone, but I want to say thatwomen who groan for a long time do not get pregnant and don’t have children at all, also different, got sick, this is the aunt who wrote from the heart, she’s just an idiot and a fool because basically a woman gives birth from 30 to 40,it’s that they are all enslaved, well,stop, rose, I don’t even want to listen to his strength, but we giving birth to Roma late, I’ll express why and I took the first one at 32 years old,how can you even pass off any of your conclusions as the truth in the first instance, why are impressionable people who then live with it and they didn’t have any predisposition, they drive themselves into this problem of that According toa ll gynecological studies, giving birth is useful,no one is saying that you need to do it uncontrollably or wait until 50, but in general, women who give birth even in adulthood have fewer problems than those who generally do not know, so I don’t know, I think that the address to get one is on your mantacommon child that they are in general this age category, in principle optimal yes yes they suit each other very much you like Travis yes very kind lived and very face the eyes of the other devour neither stake nor yard rented apartment in Moscow I rent my own apartment in the Rostov region why rent together all more economically will be found shorter to communicate with yes I'm very sorry eating tried very hard brought although oh what a beautiful cake you have two bonuses lefta date alone squeak years in the closet skeleton skeleton on let's find out which skeleton now it turns out that it's not really 15children she doesn't have skeletons in closet, it seems to me that it is impossible for a person not to have any skeleton,every person has one anyway, and surprise of course let's show.
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an aristocrat displays impeccable taste furniture center Grand Terem in honor of the company's birthday discounts and gifts for everyone topViking for only eight hundred seventy-five thousand rubles Terem everyone to the exhibition in Kuzminkionly four hours from field to can in India fresh corn number 1 in Russia for those who has the rule to start the day right Tilsiter cheese for 299 rubles intersection there is everything to love look at the mountain I believe that this is amountain look at the mountain denying that this is amountain look at the mountain Ibelieve that this mountain is aneternal search for oneself and a challenge to the strongaround the world from an outstandingchoreographer to a great composerlink wars to the 110th anniversary of the birth ofDmitry Shostakovich let's say and Haines the babyis ready for each new stage of development thefirst complementary foods without allergies development ofintelligence with Haines porridge omega-3active growth thanks to the energy of fruitsand vitamins each age of the baby has its ownHeinz porridge she has the most your homemiratorg 500 grams 99 rubles, you know thatyour friends are there with a tube of toothpastes,how are they in general, the relationship is goingwell, we were visiting her, she’s fromhome, well, we probably saw it, I saw it wasalways closed, but with you it happensdifferently, like or a sink to the question.I stand vertically like anynormal person with an Aquarius moon, forme it’s no longer more expensive thanvertically and I have ingeneral perfect cleanliness and order and thedoor I’ll also tell you later during the break I’ll tellyou everything persistently but now I’ll tell youmany people like you with thismega indicator in the horoscope like yours they notonly always keep the tube veryneat always wrapped they alwaysalso mean it’s on a specific shelf lyingthere they don’t know 3 from below if someone God forbidtakes it you’re full of todos this is deathgreat-grandfather and death I know that Ialways have scissors in the second drawer on the right, I don’t waste time looking for scissors there.  
an aristocrat displays impeccable taste furniture center Grand Terem in honor of the company's birthday discounts and gifts for everyone topViking for only eight hundred seventy-five thousand rubles Terem everyone to the exhibition in Kuzminki only four hours from field to can in India fresh corn number 1 in Russia for those who has the rule to start the day right Tilsiter cheese for 299 rubles intersection there is everything to love look at the mountain I believe that this is a mountain look at the mountain denying that this is a mountain look at the mountain I believe that this mountain is an eternal search for oneself and a challenge to the strong around the world from an outstanding choreographer to a great composer link wars to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich let's say and Haines the baby is ready for each new stage of development the first complementary foods without allergies development of intelligence with Haines porridge omega-3active growth thanks to the energy of fruits and vitamins each age of the baby has its own Heinz porridge she has the most your home miratorg 500 grams 99 rubles, you know that your friends are there with a tube of toothpastes,how are they in general, the relationship is going well, we were visiting her, she’s from home, well, we probably saw it, I saw it was always closed, but with you it happens differently, like or a sink to the question.I stand vertically like any normal person with an Aquarius moon, forme it’s no longer more expensive than vertically and I have in general perfect cleanliness and order and the door I’ll also tell you later during the break I’ll tell you everything persistently but now I’ll tell you many people like you with this mega indicator in the horoscope like yours they not only always keep the tube very neat always wrapped they always also mean it’s on a specific shelf lying there they don’t know 3 from below if someone God forbid takes it you’re full of todos this is death great-grand father and death I know that I always have scissors in the second drawer on the right, I don’t waste time looking for scissors there.  
I gave everything for a certain cream if we,if we are talking about people like Evgeniya, treat itlike a joke, but nevertheless, it’s all the same characterizes a person likeher the lid of the tube always lies outsidethe tube does not squeeze it out always exactly in the middle but it is often not toothpaste and I don’t know shaving cream becausethey don’t read small inscriptions she, relatively speaking, does not pay very much attention to details when something happens to herafter this shaving cream, something is wrong, she blames the dental manufacturers for everything, they insisted, and so on, these are peoplewho, but in general, by their nature, are not very careful, do not pay attention to details and are quite sensitive andsometimes indiscriminate I would said soby the way there are people who workwork work work and don’t even learn to cook yes she says the surprise is ready let’s see
I gave everything for a certain cream if we,if we are talking about people like Evgeniya, treat it like a joke, but nevertheless, it’s all the same characterizes a person like her the lid of the tube always lies outside the tube does not squeeze it out always exactly in the middle but it is often not toothpaste and I don’t know shaving cream because they don’t read small inscriptions she, relatively speaking, does not pay very much attention to details when something happens to her after this shaving cream, something is wrong, she blames the dental manufacturers for everything, they insisted, and so on, these are people who, but in general, by their nature, are not very careful, do not pay attention to details and are quite sensitive and sometimes indiscriminate I would said soby the way there are people who work work work work and don’t even learn to cook yes she says the surprise is ready let’s see
[music][music][music][applause] [music] [applause] [music][applause]  
[music][music][music][applause] [music] [applause] [music][applause]  
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although all of January and navigation  
although all of January and navigation
=== Varvara ===
=== Varvara ===

Latest revision as of 07:23, 7 June 2024

Redacted Version: Let's Get Married (old)
See Wikipedia: Let's Get Married, Criticism. Wikipedia: Давай_поженимся_(телепередача)#Критика.

«Давай поженимся» российская программа знакомств, премьера которой состоялась на Первом канале в России 28 июля 2008 года. Она выходит в эфир с понедельника по четверг в 18:45. Я был на «Давай поженимся» в апреле 2016 года.

Это действительно язвительный комментарий о россиянах: кому-то здесь, в Москве, понадобилось 6 лет, чтобы сказать мне, каким плохим я выгляжу в сильно отредактированном видео. Правда в том, что Лариса Гузеева обманывает людей и издевается над ними по национальному телевидению.

Лариса Гузеева злобно издевается над бедными отчаявшимися людьми ради развлечения. «Первый канал» и «Давай поженимся» — мрачное отражение российского общества — того, как русские относятся к незнакомцам и иностранцам.


Let's Get Married (Давай поженимся, Davay Pozhenimsya: literally "Let's Marry") is a Russian dating program that premiered on Channel One Russia on July 28, 2008. It airs Monday to Thursday at 6:45 pm. I was on Let's Get Married in April 2016.

It is a really scathing commentary on Russians, that it took 6 years for someone here in Moscow to tell me how bad the heavily edited video makes me appear. The truth is Larisa Guzeyeva deceives people and mocks them on national television.

Larisa Guzeyeva viciously mocks poor desperate people for entertainment. First Channel and "Let's Get Married" is a dark reflection of Russian society - how Russians treat strangers and foreigners.

Heroine 1: Larissa calls my brothers criminals - Героиня 1: Лариса называет моих братьев преступниками

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This section is in the process of an expansion or major restructuring.

This page was last edited by Admin today.

Heroine 2: Evgina is my divorced wife since 2018. She is a police nurse and stole 20,000 from me

Героиня вторая: Евгина — моя разведенная жена с 2018 года. Она работает медсестрой в милиции и украла у меня 20 000.

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This section is in the process of an expansion or major restructuring.

This page was last edited by Admin today.

Heroine 3: Barbara I fight Larissa. I state I am in Russia for political asylum. I walk out in disgust - Героиня 3: Варвара Я сражаюсь с Ларисой. Я заявляю, что нахожусь в России за политическим убежищем. я выхожу с отвращением


Recorded secret version - Записанная секретная версия


Secret recording Timeline

@ 1:23:46 "I am here for political asylum"

@ 1:15:56: American Travis takes off the headphones and started to directly talk to Barbara, contestant three.

@ 1:15:56: Американский Трэвис снимает наушники и начал напрямую общаться с Барбарой (участник трех).

@ 4:14 - With the translator who was in the booth - Putting in and adjusting the audio headphones. Asking if I could have something to write down their names - they refused.

@ 11:02 - 12:29 Problems with the headphones

@ 12:59 - Walking out to the stage

@ 17:28 - Start of program * Larissa calls my brothers criminals

@ 1:15:56 - Taking off the headphones.

@ 1:16:57 - Starting to talk directly to Barbara in Russian and English without headphones

@ 1:17:37 - Asking Barbara her name.

@ 1:18:01 - Travis: "Can I ask her a question?"

@ 1:18:29 - Travis: "What is the most important thing that you have done in your life?" (In English)

@ 1:18:54 - Larissa - In Russian - Go into the private room.

@ 1:21:43 - Darya stops the private conversation after one minute. I walk out. I am surrounded by people. Darya blocks my way. The camera is in my face.

@ 1:23:58 - "...you don't understand what I had to go through to be here." (To get to Russia and to get to that show that day)

@ 1:26:11 - Larissa comes to greet me - Darya finally moves from blocking the door. I walk out.

Секретная запись

@ 1:23:46 "Я здесь за политическим убежищем"

@ 1:15:56: Американец Трэвис снял наушники и начал напрямую разговаривать с Барбарой, третьей участницей.

@ 1:15:56: Американский Трэвис снял наушники и начал общаться с Барбарой (участник трех).

@ 4:14 - С переводчиком, который был в будке - Установка и настройка наушников. На вопрос, могу ли я что-нибудь записать их имена - отказались.

@ 11:02 - 12:29 Проблемы с наушниками

@ 12:59 - Выход на сцену

@ 17:28 - Старт программы * Лариса называет моих братьев преступниками

@ 1:15:56 - Снимаю наушники.

@ 1:16:57 - Начинаю напрямую разговаривать с Варварой на русском и английском без наушников

@ 1:17:37 - Спрашиваю имя Барбары.

@ 1:18:01 - Трэвис: "Могу я задать ей вопрос?"

@ 1:18:29 - Трэвис: "Что самое важное из того, что ты сделал в своей жизни?" (На английском)

@ 1:18:54 - Лариса - По-русски - Иди в приват.

@ 1:21:43 - Дарья прекращает приватный разговор через минуту. Я выхожу. Я окружен людьми. Дарья преграждает мне путь. Камера у меня перед лицом.

@ 1:23:58 - "...ты не понимаешь, через что мне пришлось пройти, чтобы оказаться здесь." (Чтобы попасть в Россию и попасть на это шоу в тот день)

@ 1:26:11 - Лариса выходит меня встречать - Дарья наконец перестает блокировать дверь. Я выхожу.

Edited live version - Отредактированная живая версия

See Artificial intellegence transcript below

Alcoholic Larissa is a deceitful immoral alcoholic

Алкоголик Лариса - лживая безнравственная алкоголичка


See Wikipedia: Let's Get Married, Criticism./ Wikipedia: Давай_поженимся_(телепередача)#Критика.

В 4:34 начинается массовый лживый монтаж. Я наконец говорю, что я здесь, в России, чтобы получить политическое убежище, которое я подал через 2 месяца на Лубянке.

Лариса Гузеева ради развлечения вязко издевается над бедными отчаявшимися людьми. «Первый канал» и «Давай поженимся» — мрачное отражение российского общества — того, как русские относятся к незнакомцам и иностранцам.

[Larisa Guzeyeva viciously mocks poor desperate people for entertainment. First Channel and "Let's Get Married" is a dark reflection of Russian society - how Russians treat strangers and foreigners.]

С 28 июля по 3 октября 2008 года ведущей передачи была актриса Дарья Волга[2]. Она так прокомментировала свой уход из передачи:

Я вела программу три месяца, и руководство решило резко изменить формат, сделать его более скандальным. Несколько раз я отказалась озвучивать те вещи, которые от меня требовали редакторы. Например, в программу пришла женщина лет 55, которая хотела встретить мужчину. В молодости она сделала два аборта, после которых не смогла стать матерью. Редактор в наушник говорит: «Спроси её: как вы себя чувствуете после того, как убили двоих своих детей?!». Я не стала это повторять. Как могу я, молодая, здоровая, успешная, замужняя женщина, давать наотмашь по морде человеку, которому и так в жизни пришлось несладко? Лариса Гузеева может. Она более зрелая, опытная, жёсткая. Я не могу смотреть «Давай поженимся!» в нынешнем варианте

«Это было полное драматизма решение»: Володина раскрыла, почему ушла из «Давай поженимся!» https://www.woman.ru/news/eto-bylo-polnoe-dramatizma-reshenie-volodina-raskryla-pochemu-ushla-iz-davai-pozhenimsya-id615405/


See Wikipedia: Let's Get Married, Criticism./ Wikipedia: Давай_поженимся_(телепередача)#Критика.

At 4:34 the massive deceitful editing begins. I finally say I am here in Russia to receive political asylum, which I applied for 2 months later at Lubyanka.

Larisa Guzeyeva viciously mocks poor desperate people for entertainment. First Channel and "Let's Get Married" is a dark reflection of Russian society - how Russians treat strangers and foreigners.

Darya Volga who started the program stated:

"I led three months of the program, and then the management decided to drastically change the format to make it more outrageous. Several times I refused to articulate those things that I was asked to do by the editors. For example, a woman of 55 came onto the program, who wanted to meet the man. In her youth she had had two abortions, after which could not become a mother, in earphone editor says: "Ask her how she feels after killing two of her children?" I did not repeat it. How can I, a young, healthy, successful, married woman, blast a woman who already has had a hard life? Howevever Larisa Guzeeva can; she is more mature, experienced and tough. I find it impossible to watch "Let's Get Married!" in its current version where the hosts try to destroy their heroines..."



  • Early 2016 - Darya Beletskikh finds my profile on Tinder and asks me if I want to be on the show. (See screenshot).
  • April 1, 2016 - Darya Beletskikh interviews me with Asad as my translator for 3 hours. Наталья Апрельская assists.
  • April 10, 2016 - Let's Get Married is recorded
    • Larissa calls my brothers "criminals" at the beginning of the show
    • I Secretly audio record the entire show.
    • I take off the earphones (which is not shown on television).
    • I walk out of the game show ...
      • .... explaining into the camera that I am here to get political asylum. (Which is not shown on television).
        • At Youtube video minute 1:23:46 I say that I am here for political asylum.'
  • April 15, 2016 - I threaten legal action against Channel 1. (See below).

Pressured not to mention political asylum before the show

I had planned to announce in the first 30 seconds of Let's Get Married that I was seeking political asylum, what I called a "hook". Although I didn't tell anyone what I wanted to say onset, during two different English lessons, two women from two different companies fervently encouraged me not to do this.

Walking off the set stating I want political asylum

I secretly recorded the entire show unedited.

At Youtube video minute 1:23:46 I say that I am here for political asylum.'

As I was trying to walk off the set of "Let's Get Married", and before Larissa came back to accost me, I kept repeating in English that I wanted political asylum., which was recorded on camera. My translator Asad translated what I said.

Threat of legal action against Channel One

Modified "Let's Get Married" contract:
File:!!!Договор с участником телепередачи_физ лицо (2016)_безвозмездно (1).docx

On April 15, 2016 with the help of my Russian law partner Andrey Kostin, I threatened legal action with Channel One because I did not know what I signed. My attorney helped draft in Russian a subsection that I wanted 30 seconds recorded, which they could choose to discard or not discard. That 30 seconds was going to be me asking for political asylum.

I wanted to add a clause:

Manufacturer will tape an addition 30 seconds of Author speaking on date April ___ 2016, which the Manufacturer has full rights to delete and edit out of the final program.

Which Andrey translated into Russian:

2.2.9. Изготовитель обязуется подготовить и передать видеозапись выступления Автора от ___ апреля 2016 года объемом не менее 30 секунд, которую Автор имеет полное право использовать по своему усмотрению, в том числе в личных и коммерческих целях, а Изготовитель имеет право редактировать и удалить из окончательного варианта программы.

4.5. Автор подтверждает, что адвокат Костин А.А., действующий в интересах Автора – гражданина США Тревиса Бейли Ли, возражает против подписания настоящего Договора в связи с тем, настоящий договор существенно ограничивает права и интересы Автора.

I then sent this to the director, Darya Beletskikh (Дарья Белецких).

After I sent in the modified contract, Let's Get Married decided to go ahead with the show anyway, ignoring my request.

Why I walked out

Larisa Guzeeva, host of Let's Get Married. Quote:

You have four brothers, are they all connected with crime?


Have you heard the term "vote with one's feet"? vote with your feet- Cambridge Dictionary

Russia is a country reeling with extreme poverty. Women are hurt most of all. In my short nine months I have lived here: I saw first hand how alcoholism is rampant in rural Russia among men, with women bearing the brunt of this debilitating disease.

I saw first hand at Dialog, Executive Language Center, a Moscow English School, how women are regularly screamed at and put up with all manner of abuse.

On websites like "Wamba.com" Moscow women actively "sponsor" themselves. This means that if you are a woman looking for a "sponsor", you are a woman who will give sex to a man if they support your financially. Prostitution is rampant, with websites like [link removed] openly selling sex for as little as 2000 rubles ($31 USD) for an hour.

Many women feel they must marry to get out of terrible poverty. Shows like "Lets Get Married" take people's misery and make it entertainment. I saw the desperation in Evgenia's eyes (contestant two) and it broke my heart. It was the look of desperation and anger that my own ex-wife had when I met her on a marshrutka in 2001. My ex-wife, an ethnic Russian, was living on $100 a month working at Lukoil in Odessa Ukraine when I met her on Valentines Day, 2001. She would steal money from her rich customers to survive. She was supporting herself, her eight year old son, her mother and grandmother on $100. Her son was living in rural Ukraine, a house with no hot water, no telephone, and an outhouse.

On Let's Get Married that day the host Larissa and the other three women hosts showed their misery in their faces when the camera was not pointed on them. Larissa was habitually kneading two pieces of facial tissue in both hands, extremely stressed. Darya, the young director who interviewed me was a basket case that day.

As these poor three women contestants bore their soul and deepest secrets to a national audience, I noticed two men above the crowd in the shadows, watching the entire heart wrenching spectacle. They were the two people calling the shots, they were the two men who were being enriched by other people's misery.

My entire life has been devoted to helping others. When I was Mormon I was a missionary for the church from 1992-1994. From 2000-2004 I was a United States Peace Corps volunteer helping build orphanages with the American embassy in Odessa, Ukraine. I became an attorney to help others- to fight for the poor. I earned a masters degree in International Relations to to be a voice for the voiceless that America murders. I married my now ex-wife out of love in 2002, but I also couldn't bear to abandon her and her family in the poverty of Ukraine.

I came here to help Russians, to build a community. To help build Russia. To help stop the Russian "brain drain" to Russia's enemies who want to destroy this beautiful country. I am here to proclaim that America, behind the propaganda all Russians watch on television, is an evil, miserable and violent country. Behind many American's fake bright smiles is a deep loneliness.

I didn't come to beautiful Russia to help a television show make comedy of people's misery.

So I walked out of the show. I voted with my feet. It was the brave decision. It was the right decision.


Employees on Let's Get Married in 2016

Daria Beletskikh


See also Lets Get Married/Translation
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LETS GET MARRIED Travis Lee Bailey Давай поженимся 20 04 2016 любитель животных
Не любимая уехала с ребёнком в Америку...(someone is speaking behind the scene...убегает,...подойдите, посмотрите что случилось?)
-Привет Лариса, you know what?
-Извините пожалуйста, можно я просто сейчас,можете уйти, мне переводчик не нужен,пожалуйста, и вы не нужны,
-Я Лариса Гузеева, это "Давай Поженимся" Добрый вечер!
сегодня невеста Оксана, Евгения и Варвара, а жених у нас Трэвис, здравствуйте! Проходите!
[Announcer] Трэвис: 43 года, после развода с супругой, побывал на 65 свиданиях, но уже на 35 понял, возьмёт в жёны только русскую женщину. Трэвис юрист, также даёт уроки английского языка, также гордится тем, что выиграл суд у крупного американского банка, мечтает побывать в Сибири и посмотреть процесс одомашнивания лис, его избранница обязательно должна найти общий язык с его собакой. Трэвис не обратит внимание на карьеристку с короткой стрижкой и большим носом, женится на девушке с выразительными глазами, которая любит животных, детей и не боится показывать свой характер. [1:17]
-Здравствуйте Трэвис!
-Вот с русскими собаками лаять на русском, я понимаю как, а как же она с вашей американской собакой найдёт общий язык? она по американски должна как то так подвывать? :)чтобы найти общий язык? Я не understand если честно, ......он тоже...(улыбаются)
-Следующий вопрос, откуда к нам такой интересный молодой человек пожаловал? You from?
-Я Американец,
-Смотри как он улыбается, у него очень открытая улыбка, добрый взгляд,
-Вы хорошо говорите по русски?
-Да, я говорю по русски, я говорю по русски 10 лет
-Дааа, а кто научил? У вас была русская жена?
-Я жил в Одессе, у меня есть жена, бывшая.
-Значит вы должны говорить немножко на суржике, не совсем русский такой, такой даже одесский, шо вы говорите? немножко должны так, то есть, смесь американского с одесским.
-слушайте, какие у него добрые глаза, открытая чистая улыбка, самое главное, то что он уже немного обжёгся, и хочет что то попробовать. Наш человек!
-А где вы познакомились с вашей бывшей женой?
-Мы, в маршрутке,
-Я, да
-Вы приставали к русской одесской женщине, да, типа вы говорили, я из Америки, привет! бла бла бла, и у вас закрутился с ней роман,
-Да, угу
-Аха, она была красивая?
-Да, очень красивая,
-мхуу, у неё были уже дети? она была не счастлива в браке? я так понимаю, да? и вы из жалости на ней женились? ....и увезли её в Америку, я такое же унижение испытываю в Америке, когда пытаю говорить по английски, а американцы на меня очень внимательно на меня смотрят, и пытаются понять, и тоже так, мммм, да,
-Очень приятный, вполне приятный, видно что он застенчивый, да застенчивый,
-Вы увезли её в Америку,
-Поженились с ней, и счастливо жили?
-Да, мы очень счастливо жили 10 лет, в Америке, потом она нашла другого мужчину,
-Кто бы сомневался,
-А вы ещё такой добрый, и немножко такой американец, взяли ей и дом подарили,
-А куда ж, гнать что ли?
-А у вас общих детей, не родились,
-Children together?
-нет, хмм,
-нет, мы познакомились в маршрутке,
-это я уже поняла, мы уже не в Одессе, мы уже живем в Америке сейчас...
-аха, и вот, вы живёте себе живёте, а почему она другого мужчину себе нашла? как она могла, вай, нем гуд,
-она его любила, да часто говорила, что жизнь такая, хуже чем отрава, лала,
-я за вас всё расскажу, она вам изменила, вы ей оставили дом,
-а то сейчас Роза начнет приставать, дом у вас там есть в Америке
-там похоже уже ничего нет
-не трогай его
-так я ж половину вопросов сейчас опускаю уже,
-мне кажется что он добрый, и умеет посмеяться над собой,
-Вы с её сыном были в хороших отношениях?
-у меня есть очень хорошо, у меня есть очень плохие отношения с сыном
-Потому что я хочу..., потому что это не мой сын, это мой бывший сын,
-Детей хотите еще, своих?
-Yes, I would like, я хочу русский женщина, очень нравится экзотика женщина, и я хочу,
я хочу моих детей, дочь, сейчас,
-Хороший возраст 43 года, а где будете жить в России или Америке?
-Я хочу жить в России, потому что я очень люблю Россию, Россия!
-Он мне очень импонирует, потому что он хочет иметь дочь, потому что у меня, так как есть сын, мне бы очень хотелось бы иметь дочку.
-Трэвис, жалко что сейчас жены сейчас с вами нет?
-Да, очень жалко, я здесь потому я хочу другую женщину,
-Ну надо быть осторожней, а то уедет...
-второго дома то нет,
-Я знаю что вы из семью Мармонов,
-У вас много братьев,
-У меня есть четыре брата, они все связаны с криминалом?
-О как это интересно, я люблю плохих мальчиков,
-Он на Джека Ноколосана похож, да, а я то и думаю на кого он похож? да на актёра,
-Ну а теперь значит, это...Трэвис, Лариса перевела свою тему, иеперь я перевожу вашу тему относительно материального, в Москве вы квартиру снимаете, я думаю что не дорого, книжки вы пишете, но деньги но деньги с них не получаете, потому что не в деньгах счастье, занимаетесь благотворительностью, помогаете детским домам, сиротам, что похвально, не понятно от чего, с какой зарплаты, но в принципе я думаю что все зрители наши, которые здесь уже в принципе поняли, какой материальный достаток, но сегодня, а я на каждой программе всегда говорю, что я за производителя, нечего вывозить наш генофонд куда то там и помогать, но относительно вас, сегодня я буду мягкая почему? Сегодня вы для меня такой жених как миссионер, у нас много женщин которые нуждаются в мужчинах, а на всех российских не хватает, поэтому мы будем...
-ну и в Америке тоже на всех не хватает, на всех несчастных домов не хватит...
-А он не собирается в Америку, он в Россию собирается, поэтому, значит женщин у нас много нуждающихся, и в мужчине и в мужской поддержке, и особо даже не хотят там деньги, не деньги и родит вам, осчастливьте сегодня хотя бы одну, я только за буду. [10:xx]

Artificial Intelligence translation

hello can I just leave now please translator for me and you don’t need me


I’m Larisa Guzeeva this is let’s get married. good evening brides today Oksana, Evgeniya and Varvara, it’s a pity for us Travis. deliver a release 43 years after a divorce from his wife, he went on 65 dates, but already at 35 I realized that he would only marry a Russian woman.

Travis is a lawyer who also gives private English lessons, he is proud of the fact that he won a case against a large American bank, he dreams of visiting in Siberia and see the process of domestication, whether he warns us that his chosen one must definitely find a common language with his dog, Travis will not pay attention to the careerist, with a short haircut and a big nose, marry a kind girl with expressive eyes who loves animal children and is not afraid to show his character bark in Russian with Russian dogs.

I understand how, but how can she and your American dog find a common language? She should howl like that in an American way or that she can find a common language. I’m not an Andy stand, and to be honest, he’s also the next question, where did this come from? an interesting young man greeted you from me as he smiles a very open smile kind look you speak Russian well I am from China Hawaiian from 10 to and who taught you you had a Russian wife and I live audio saand I have an ex-wife. then you should speak a little bit onSurzhik not quite Russian so a little bit Odessa w you see a little bit should so American and Odessa mental what kind eyes he has, an open,pure smile and the most important thing is that he seems to have already been burned by a person and where did you meet your wife me minibus me. You pestered a Russian Odessa woman, yes you say, I’m from America,hello bla bla bla and you got into an affair with her ramada ahoshe was beautiful, yes I’m very handsome, she already had children, she was unhappily married, as I understand it, and you married her out of pity and they took her to America.

so I feel the same humiliation in America when I try to speak English, the Americans look at me very carefully and try to understand, too, so muda,very nice, Sonya, nice, you can see that he is shy to achieve you took her to America before you married and happily lived until not very much nowdrain 10 10 years not very happy number why and I found it she found another man and iwcand you are also so kind and a little bit such an American you took her a house and gave her a house, well, where should she go that they didn’t have any children in common with you?tornanother for me,get acquainted on the cheeks and you didn’t understand this and now you live for yourself and why did she find another man, how could she wai that you are not good but fell in love with her,she loved him until she often said that life is worse than poison la laI for you, I’ll tell you about the couple, she cheated on you with them, you nobly left the house for her, and where did they go from teaching the roses, when they start pestering you, what do you have there in America?

it seems that he is kind and yes and knows how to laugh at himself and you and her son were on good terms I have me very good them with a very bad promise menimsen why because I want it’s not my son it’s mine it’s my ex 7 children do you want more of your own children if I smell a Russian and a woman is a very new king of the exo century I am a woman and I than my 5I want a daughter and now she is a good age 43years old and where will you live in Russia or in America I want to live still then I love you very much I’m great I am very impressed by him tha the wants to have a daughter, I would also really like to have a daughter Travis, it’s a pity that your wife is not with you now oh yes, very verysorry,I’m here because I want other women, but now I have to be more careful, that’s also she has a great house,no, yes, I know that you are from a Mormon family,yes, you have a lot to convert me, I become what and take and they are all connected with crime, I love bad boys,but I think who he looks like at the auction, Travis Larisa changed her topic.

Now I’m translating your topic regarding material things: in Moscow you rent an apartment, I think that you write books inexpensively, but you don’t get money from them because money doesn’t buy you happiness, you do charity work, you help children’s and orphanages, which is commendable, but it’s not clear why in place with what kind of salary in principle I think that all the viewers our address which here already in principle understand what kind of material wealth but today and I always say at every program that I am for a domestic producer of nothing to introduce our gene pool somewhere there and help but regarding you today I I’ll be soft,why are you for me today, how are they such a missionary,we have a lot of women who need men, she’s missing all the Russian men,so we’ll be, well, in America,too, that means for all the unfortunate people, their houses are on fire in America, he was in Russia, so he’s going.

This means that we have a lot of women in need of both a man and male support and they don’t even really want money there, it’s not money and will give birth to you, so make at least one happy today, I’ll just forget that the children were not raised that way and were not matured, this is also an indicator of what really the relationship was not serious enough, the course every woman will expand in Russia, I want why ask him like that, and you don’t see what we have here and in our native language, it’s difficult to talk about this topic, let alone the word sex, an international word for youyou see, she’s shy now she usually asks okay, okay sosex sex he should our tradition study on traditionally but the trailer I know the chapters told without a missionary arrived before a foreigner that is, it turns out the bottom and 13 years communicated European culture, you can say that the bill of a slave of the European Western Western nothing, let's get acquainted with girls already I want to wait for Alan Vasilisa wrinkle will say sushi with us he doesn't understand now he's going crazy with the astrologer with his simple words Kant but here he will tell us about Nehru with cancer it's Venus with cancer you're hurting this is the only man and man in moderately active, moderately sociable, and I think that if I could speak Russian easily, I would communicate verbosely, I would definitely talk over us,but since today our heroines may have a language barrier due to the fact that someone does not know English, I have prepared such an international test this tube of toothpaste I don’t see it with my own eyes, but in fact it’s all over the world,not only in Russia but also in America, they joke about the nature of how it turns out of tubes of toothpastes here are entries how to save without knowing the notes that I can either from a person into a tube to drive just a certain gift of what we are squeezing out is not enough, it’s just that you really need to evaluate two parameters, does the person screw the cap on the toothpaste or not, what’s wrong with it, it’s just anest of a woman of pears, he’s an international [ __ ] or he’s tall as hell,says your private signs, but I’ll tell you, but you’re right you don’t twist it,close it and your wives then so and the bones of it and such days when you start and in August thegrain yes I’ll now tell you how Travis treats toothpaste this will tell a lot about the character I have every time the power of the horoscope personally listening to this is the twin moon and sun in Aries,such men first shout loudly for 5 minutes asking where and who took it and their toothpaste then finds it, but I don’t know, in a basket with dirty laundry, for example,from the authorities and flattens it out, they throw it out,they go for a new one, it’s always like this, let alone every morning but in general, prone to possible outbursts of anger,not always orderly, I can say that the commander does not like women with his nose, the truth is that he will not command either, this is a very familiar character to me when I minus the first outburst, then everything is fine,everything is in order, they are covering up, I found out,it seems to you that you will get together like a groove, man, man,yes yes normal hours I'll look at clean shoes alcohol this woman is paying attention you know yes I'm on shoes find get acquainted first place while you get up and the album


hello Travis gram of underwear from us they are introducing me my name is Oksana. I'm sorry I don’t speak English, but I think she’ll figure it out on her own I’ll definitely have news[applause]axor 29 years old teacher psychologist in kindergarten proud of her son dreams of building a large home library warns that she won’t allow her husband to run the kitchen after the birth of the child Oksana’s husband filed a lawsuit to the court to think and and with the child from home to hope that Travis will be able to protect her, can I please contact Travis, I know that he has a favorite song Kati LelMusi-Pusi,I would like to suggest that we sing a duet, should we stay with you, but start yes can we together I'm there baby


I'm just you and we'll go away the gun and upset you considered the house ofhigh culture would be the floor I'm between theprograms of high culture everyday life you considerusi-pusi what and what tin connections what'swrong I'll also come out of the never-tired icePetya's voice is so cute, you'll do well, but thank you, you wereunhappy in your marriage until very slowly,looking into Travis's eyes, tell me why youwere unhappy, that you have a child, inall your own words, Karateeva about yourmother-in-law, a bastard about everythingthat you don't want to come back againyourself for just even filming myself thismission?and unfortunately my mother-in-law was a good person, of course, my personal life was very spoiled and my father-in-law, strangely enough, lived in marriage with my husband for only one year, but everything changed after the birth of the child,I stopped being interested in how a woman turns out, he had the same problems from the first his wife after the birth of the child, the woman became uninteresting to him,the sound was full of steel or something,she lost weight very quickly,well, it was just a good fantasy, no,just how can she then kiss the child with these lips,like this in the living mother’s body, the mother of the child, and you can’t do that with her either,but it was just a feature of the psyche and everything is a typical story when, afterbirth, a rebirth, many people ona friend turns out to be women, she remains in her arms - a child with shampoo horsepower,our participants will definitely find parts in their personal lives because luxurious hair is the shortest way to a man’s heart,remember this to seduce men with yourhairtest the weapons of the brightness of the stars shampoo horsepoweroh look it’s an actress tune in to listen to me maybe this is my last chance marry me and study andyou canknoweverything I’m not angry tigers I’m not afraid of whom youadmit I’mvery afraid so let’s pass I’ll teachMargaritaNazarovo premiere of a multi-part serieswatch the movie after the program time but Imanaged to swim since tires like thiswill amount to fly learnfish my crazyketchup Makheyevwill open you a whole world of amazingtastes to please your loved ones everyday Makheyev makes it not tastier thinkwalking in your sleepis just a dream turboslim day for the first timehelps you lose weight not only day and nightturboslim day enhanced formula you are stillwaiting for the usuallaxative to work microenemas microlax withnatural ingredients help eliminate constipation in just 15 minutes. microlax quickly and softly faberlic summerbegins again york dresseshere for youchoose a summer dress in the faberlic catalogfrom 999 rubles this is an ok storeand this is our prices, everyone is already accustomed to the fact thatit is constantly falling, but onholidaysthey fall especially often coffee nescafegold 214 rubles ok excellent student practicallyonly four hours from the field additives to Indiaand fresh corn number 1 in Russiaif I were a businessmanthis was it if the stage would be me, abusiness center, a skyscraper and but a plane, I wouldalso scrape them up for me, this is a beautiful life,but there is one point: the client pays for it all,we are for the type of companies on another shift, arolled lip, we don’t need anything extra, 10 gigabytes and 500 minutes for everything Russian numbers for 399 rubles per monththe tariff is valid throughout the country tele2good events happen rarelygood that there are exceptions to this rule[applause]to the author new cars appear everyminutefind your car on the author and we are preparingfor the May holidays with hypermarketsmagnet juice gardens of the Don region 1 liter3890 in all hypermarkets magnet magnetalways low pricesprices checks its real estate database andremoves false advertisements from itnot yet verified and housinginstall the mobile application prices inApril wardrobes and kitchens Mr. dors are30 percent cheaper to save,get into the habit of shopping inpharmacy from 100 PM so that it doesn’t cost youmore to buy Petrovich in ourstores there will be everything available at the sameprices Petrovich with those who dared torepairand you don’t have apartments why don’t you Icome from the Rostov region, I wasborn and raised in a village thereparents' home, unfortunately there is nowork there so I can return to myparents, so I understand the brand, you are notregistered in his company, we are registered,but it was such an experience raising someone else'schild and there is a way to hang it onhim again, I am writing how old your child is,my child he’s beenliving with you for almost six years and living withme,look, Travis really likes Russiamore than anything, it’s very good taste,well done, good boy, you’ll go to theRostov region, it’s already familiar to youOdessa, the sea is warm, the Rostov region isalso warm, Maria, why isit possible to go to Rostov there near Moscow here to stayI live Moscow takes out the low andby the way you are not afraid to go to Travisand quickly your apartments there who goeswithout you then well everything is possible this is not anapartment this is a room in a dorm according to hiswife leisure television but why notI’m not in the next life you break down,learned German and they probablygot married quickly, maybe he didn’t haveenough time to know each otherwell, maybe learn the language and butwhy isn’t there a child, how to pull him out of hisusual environment, but this needs to be done,we’ll all gradually communicate to get to know each other, neither ofus has any fear and Inany case, fear is always presentwhen something unexpected, and even when you have nevertried it, you need totry to communicate with the ruble ofmen, he is a man, he isgoing to live here, he doesn’t speakRussian well, why do you just take it, you need tounderstand from the tube, we are nice,just take it and say, here I come to you,dear, now we live and that’s it, and in the registry officeor somewhere you understanda person who does not speak a foreign language very well,but Russian for Travis and and countries doesnot mean that he is automatically a fool,he just doesn’t know Russian yes, let themtry to communicate, maybe theywill turn out very well by the way, I think she will learnEnglish if she teaches alinda,it means she is not here, this is the training such anacademic training remains, you also getengaged to talk and thesad size of vesa, I heard thatyou dream of a daughter,this is so I want a daughter and because I havenever been I have never hadchildren for strings of children Corvia is rightmarried but we also have a desireto coincide in this because I would also like tohave a daughter make a girl to theocean English learned Russian learnjust seven everything and learn look at thewaste attacks, they will learn and understand that there is anabyss between us and that now theyneed to help in general, you know this and itdefinitely needs to be taught because youstick your nose out of your apartment, after all,these are such fundamental words you know thatthey will know the hand theywill communicate with each other some local like afamily tongue lives in its own way andmore than 6 polishing will be in kalevaIdeally you see your married life, thatis, you would like, for example, to get married andgive birth to another child in the near future,or you want to work oncome to get polished,for example, on save money for a while togain how you don’t see it that way,ideally this is exactly how it is, that is, not to immediatelygive birth to a child again since I had aprevious marriage, now of course we need tosee how we live with thisperson and how we will coexisttogether You’ll just have to waituntil you have a baby, and probably ayear or two, but not like that, right away, by the way,it’s good when people don’t understand each other so well, thesituation is that wequarrel, you have three bonuses,a date based on the idea of ​​a skeleton in the closet andpeople’s family traditions she will be born 7 years old,we have a family tradition,we give our loved ones this doll, aplantain, this is a Slavic doll,which people used toput in their pockets in ancient times, itbrought good luck, especially if the country did notgo somewhere,so I want to give it to Travis such a dome isfor good luck,something reminded you of it, you can put it in apocket, yes, of course, pleasebring it to me and invite me to the stage, come on in, it’sno longer by the way, it’s a very good traditionto bring a Christmas tree for the New Year of patterns fromRostov and it’s standing therewhen you’re in March, you’re my on norththe number where the tank is, this is so andwhen does it have this tree exactlybrought from Rostov there isnowhere to go in June exercise charter raystravis we Russians havecatchphrases that we very oftenuse in our speechesbut for foreigners they unfortunatelyare incomprehensible if it is difficult to translate intoRussian language thefirst such expression is that the tongue of the bast does notknit, what do you think this means, are you crazy or something,even Russian men have gone crazy for you, that when aman is veryintoxicated with alcohol, hecannot speak at all, that’s why they talk about him, hethe tongue of the bast is not knitted forcenturies to remove dooms at the base yousee how great they turn outvery eyes don’t like it very much give it to hisparents I think he listened to her didn’tunderstand anything he wandered into these magical chaptersalready and there is also this expressionhorror how good you see how goodand this means how wonderful andgood and there is anothertradition we have to sit down on the pathin ancient times people believed in brownies andwhen we weren’t going on a long journeythey always sat down on the pathlet’s sit down with you too andsend out the vocals of the tour yes they were afraid to takethe brownie away from their at home, so in thisway they deceived him, that is, theysat down on the path in modernsociety they sit down on the path tothink if I took everything with me,if I forgot anything at home, well,let's go, thank you, we'll go to her, even everything will befine after watering the suitcase and luckyto own well done, well done, Isat and admired myself, I wasopen toyou, the release of Oksana, you are transparentto smart, cheerful,able to sing and knows the words to your favorite song,travis, do you think it might suitTravis,I think yes, choice, choice, still shows, youliked Oksana, I like it very much - verykind eyes these are eyes on windows eyesears mirror of the soul to the mirror going andwindows swelling chocolate blowing yes you already havevery kind eyes thank you reallyyou are very cute I really like oursso good my yours than veryOksana very good good opportunityto find a Russian wife, the only thingthat confuses me is that this isthe range of distances until you startcorresponding, as if all this would notgo away, what confuses me is the husband of a military man,that Oksana Nikolay has no yard, that Oksana has asix-year-old son, that Oksana doesn’t know the language at all, even at the level ofmy principle it would be If you want, you canlearn and it won’t be such anobstacle, especially if you have your ownabilities, well, now according to the stars,how long have we started the program, there wassuch a language hitch for him, I didn’t understand whether it made sense to give my usualrecommendations, I didn’t mention that fromthe rails there is an opportunity for the next two year to build a relationship,but out of these two years, 1 yearit will not develop completely perfectlyand it will help to smooth out some rough edgesto get around some moments ofdissatisfaction if thewoman is one of your friends, this is either awoman already from your company or agirl maybe some kind of then fromtoday's brides but whom shecan make friends with you, I see the problem hereOksana really, without language, cannotestablish those very friendly relationships that Travis needs and despite the fact that by her type this girl suits you, but language can become a really serious barrier,get acquainted with second



travis hello, I came to you and I hope not just for our acquaintance but also for further communication my name is Evgenia and you have Mengele thank you Sevan thank you


Evgenia 39 years old realtor, dances Russian folkdances, sings karaoke, is engaged in growing flowers and vegetable. swarns that he will have breakfast and the future chosen one will be alone dreams of having a big family. Evgenia lived with a Frenchman for 13 years but fell in love with him and couldn’t hope that Travis would awaken her real feelings.

They said that she likes to grow flowers and by the way they say that if a girl takes good care for flowers, it means she’s good, they didn’t beat the material life, why did it take you 13 years to understand the man who is next to you is not loved and you will never fall in love with him?

whom you meet I will help even you once said gives us some experience up to 12 years with an unloved one and the thing is that at first we had a feeling when I met him I had just arrived in Moscow. and for me it was my first acquaintance with a man and also for foreigners it was you are a Frenchman we'll talk in French lovers the first man this is the first this is not a lover who is this common-law husband.

It seems to me that in mineral externals they are different. It seems to me that such a calmer, quiet, kind girl would be more suitable for him, but outwardly it seems to me that she is his type very similar, it was a male cohabitant with whom you had an open relationship, you could at the same time look for the great love of another man, so your girlfriends agreed and he was also free from obligations,it was already after a while because when we met him everything was fine everything wonderful, but when we went on vacation with him and on vacation, I just now you heard that it’s your dad, it’s your dad.something else they gave birth to when I was 13 and when I was 25 years old, yes, I didn’t plan it, I thought I needed to live a little longer, and then when he himself began to suggest that let’s get married, let’s definitely want a daughter too, well, somehow I didn’t want to marry my dad and I didn’t want to, I lost my best young years, in the end I couldn’t,but during the time of giving birth to a child,well, maybe they didn’t really want to, so everything could be why you needed him, I understand, and they needed you, why did he love you so much, yes he I didn’t hide the morning I loved you yes yes you broke up with them finally and finally well okay now let’s see how Travis knows English.

I don’t know English but I have a lot of experience 13 years of communication I didn’t ideally learn French but I learned how to translate from Russian into Russian that is it not certain forms canal ready be felt and understood inside, in fact, even French doesn’t look like Lenskand what language is it and I studied Italian for Russian and therefore, well,well, well, English is at the level of ordering in a restaurant like about and for us to fornicate absolutely everyday absolutely everyday level therefore, that is, it wasn’t, well, some kind of thing, but it happened before leaving, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, the thread sings so much,yes, what is it talking about, they say, they are trying to understand, there is nothing, the main practice is a large family of three children and the matter will already cool down to listen and understand this they don’t say the road to you 39 years old lovely wants a daughter for you it’s not too late no no it’s not too late I’m very even if I give you nude how they will give out a year of dust to rub each other there to get married and so on at 40 it says I’m here I have a gynecologist client an article of new interesting information therefore,taking away the words, I will try, by the way,the period I wrote a dissertation, what is the best age for children to bear children? This is 2428if a woman gives birth within 30 to 40,she has problems after even about 50,cancer, and so on, and if she gives birth after 40, that is the problem of the child Well,and she’s trying to catch up with her story and it’s not happening, why now dissertations a real so different, why now tointimidate the heroine, come out and dissuade her from having children, in principle, she doesn’t understand that not everyone, but I want to say thatwomen who groan for a long time do not get pregnant and don’t have children at all, also different, got sick, this is the aunt who wrote from the heart, she’s just an idiot and a fool because basically a woman gives birth from 30 to 40,it’s that they are all enslaved, well,stop, rose, I don’t even want to listen to his strength, but we giving birth to Roma late, I’ll express why and I took the first one at 32 years old,how can you even pass off any of your conclusions as the truth in the first instance, why are impressionable people who then live with it and they didn’t have any predisposition, they drive themselves into this problem of that According toa ll gynecological studies, giving birth is useful,no one is saying that you need to do it uncontrollably or wait until 50, but in general, women who give birth even in adulthood have fewer problems than those who generally do not know, so I don’t know, I think that the address to get one is on your mantacommon child that they are in general this age category, in principle optimal yes yes they suit each other very much you like Travis yes very kind lived and very face the eyes of the other devour neither stake nor yard rented apartment in Moscow I rent my own apartment in the Rostov region why rent together all more economically will be found shorter to communicate with yes I'm very sorry eating tried very hard brought although oh what a beautiful cake you have two bonuses lefta date alone squeak years in the closet skeleton skeleton on let's find out which skeleton now it turns out that it's not really 15children she doesn't have skeletons in closet, it seems to me that it is impossible for a person not to have any skeleton,every person has one anyway, and surprise of course let's show.


period let's quickly Irina you're talking about vagant na I thank you you're married no no Travis Irina also not married and you and today look and Irina Josiah is also not married and you can know English,Mordor bon appetit English hour was nice, well, that means the hosts didn’t see that she was suitable for Travis, so they are wooing apparently a year ago, the famous singer Prokhor Chaliapinbecame a father for the first time actress and model Anna Kalashnikova gave him a son, but it turned out that Prokhor Chaliapin is not listed anywhere as the father of his one-year-old son Daniil, instead of the artist’s name in the documents, Moishe in the father column hasa dash,and even the patronymic of Prokhor Chaliapin’s son is igorevich an dnot Prokhorovich at all, and in order to correct this misunderstanding,the singer decided to confirm his paternity with the help of [ __ ] smoke today at the first




an aristocrat displays impeccable taste furniture center Grand Terem in honor of the company's birthday discounts and gifts for everyone topViking for only eight hundred seventy-five thousand rubles Terem everyone to the exhibition in Kuzminki only four hours from field to can in India fresh corn number 1 in Russia for those who has the rule to start the day right Tilsiter cheese for 299 rubles intersection there is everything to love look at the mountain I believe that this is a mountain look at the mountain denying that this is a mountain look at the mountain I believe that this mountain is an eternal search for oneself and a challenge to the strong around the world from an outstanding choreographer to a great composer link wars to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich let's say and Haines the baby is ready for each new stage of development the first complementary foods without allergies development of intelligence with Haines porridge omega-3active growth thanks to the energy of fruits and vitamins each age of the baby has its own Heinz porridge she has the most your home miratorg 500 grams 99 rubles, you know that your friends are there with a tube of toothpastes,how are they in general, the relationship is going well, we were visiting her, she’s from home, well, we probably saw it, I saw it was always closed, but with you it happens differently, like or a sink to the question.I stand vertically like any normal person with an Aquarius moon, forme it’s no longer more expensive than vertically and I have in general perfect cleanliness and order and the door I’ll also tell you later during the break I’ll tell you everything persistently but now I’ll tell you many people like you with this mega indicator in the horoscope like yours they not only always keep the tube very neat always wrapped they always also mean it’s on a specific shelf lying there they don’t know 3 from below if someone God forbid takes it you’re full of todos this is death great-grand father and death I know that I always have scissors in the second drawer on the right, I don’t waste time looking for scissors there.

I gave everything for a certain cream if we,if we are talking about people like Evgeniya, treat it like a joke, but nevertheless, it’s all the same characterizes a person like her the lid of the tube always lies outside the tube does not squeeze it out always exactly in the middle but it is often not toothpaste and I don’t know shaving cream because they don’t read small inscriptions she, relatively speaking, does not pay very much attention to details when something happens to her after this shaving cream, something is wrong, she blames the dental manufacturers for everything, they insisted, and so on, these are people who, but in general, by their nature, are not very careful, do not pay attention to details and are quite sensitive and sometimes indiscriminate I would said soby the way there are people who work work work work and don’t even learn to cook yes she says the surprise is ready let’s see

[music][music][music][applause] [music] [applause] [music][applause]

how I like it when person doing something now you're doing listened todo it amazing


and that's a great guy, what a bravo the girls are amazing just a friend of an amazing thank you for Jessie bar & wiz come see us almost nothing visible people freely Nastenka but the plus and minus sectors are always good Assad’s eyes also lit up,well, yes, the good ones are crimson, of course, but the fact that she’s had a common life with a foreigner for 13 years,nothing happened,I think that with the second one, it could also happen to him, not a fact, I I think so,but this is just the fact of what this means: it’s better that he was a widow, I mean he died, as they say, but here it’s not difficult, he didn’t even get married, you know, the truth is, well, well.Of course she looked with such an admiring look, I’ll say about him, I didn’t like the man, she fed me very nicely, well, it’s not open that she told everything as it is, she didn’t hang around here, they didn’t soak them, they didn’t stick out, they d idn’t try to some how veil, hide, come up with something,nothing outside of us again, here she is like this dance, her character is very straightforward, someone likes it,someone likes solving puzzles, I think that for travis, like Americans, she has a character like Evgeniy to tell everything honestly and directly was the Frenchman did not like, waited for them to appear real ones for life, this is how I liked my life, you didn’t like the bride very openly to immediately set off and takes from the master, it’s a pity zaur one exchange, probably now only in your hands I saw not only 13 years of meaningless relationships that led nowhere, she understood it, I saw 13 years of unlearned language, for example, inability to communicate, that is, she is very poorly aware of time, reality and time as a flow, there are such people, this is precisely the moon in Pisces when people feel very poorly that time is flashing, that it is flowing, no time in the world flows faster than women from32 to 39 they say, well, that is, this is exactly the time these five seven years fly by quickly, you are barely over 30 and then bam you are already under forty and there or over 40,unfortunately this time also flashed quickly for her also, due to hercharacter,there is still one bride to go through


although all of January and navigation


Tanka Varvara 31 years of education, linguist works as an assistant to the head of the legal department of a large holding, isengaged in fitness, monitors what she eats and dreams of making her body ideal, the former chosen one could not give upbad habits for the sake of Varvara and did notvalue her care and attention,hope that Travis will appreciate her,I would also like to sing the song right from the very beginning, yesright away, let me respect you after the sunset of the path with you


what a thank you, good for you they are a lawyer lawyer and yet they are each other in general topics some topics disks are owned by relatives the call is notyour name thiefVaryusha Varangian I will decide broken beautiful name back recently beganto call me Voronok. good, socute, good, what kind of bad habitsdid your chosen one have so that they could not bedealt with? Well, at the beginning of our acquaintance, hetold me that they like to drinkbeer somewhere at the end of the week torelax from the work week ofhard days, and when we started livingtogether, it turned out that he loves do thison Wednesdays, Saturdays and today, butwhy not run right away because wegot along very well with each other and ingeneral, our life togetherwas a great happiness for me, Ithanked God every day for what I did so well, the heattanned our bodies so dearly soul whywe broke up we broke up because atsome point word for word don’tdo wrong you lost your job yes it was hisfault that you lost your jobhe gave you his child from hisfirst marriageI would not blame him for anything here nonot call here no one don’t accuse anyone of anything here they’re just sorting it outhere in his face from his firstmarriageand he said take care of my childbecause I can’t yes yes youasked for time off from work I took the childto my work for two hoursmanagement didn’t like it, they foundit unacceptable and in the enda conversation took place with management and we decided thatI would look for another job, and whenhe greeted you with the words, well, you’reunemployed until you go to your parents, theywill feed you, I was veryhard that day I was on the verge, I was about to burst intotears, I was waiting for him to console me, buthe said such a phrase that I realized that Iwas 1 and he didn’t want towarm me up, not the fire,but where was this level of hishumor? I think so in to someextent the level of his humor,but I was not in the mood then how could youmake peace and find out this kind ofhumor with a prick, because they began to talk about it,yes, you know, this is notthe only case, I remember I contributed toour common living together andloved to create comfort, I bought something for the kitchen; I had avery beautiful painting hanging at my dacha,which I decided to hang in our bedroombecause it was in color andin harmony with the furniture and in content, itseemed to me very good, and the technique of executionwas very complex and In general,the picture is worthy, I hung it upand he doesn’t say, well, it’s clear whenyou move out, you’ll pick it up, it turns out he didn’t even think about it, I really was a greatfool, if I’ve been with you since version 2, then itseems to me that it’s more of a cartridge in general,you can all approach, of course you could There is onlyone bonus left: a date alone,go together in a room.[applause]supposedly only for a few minuteswe’ll show youlook edit yes, unfortunately, no matter whatsparks no matter what chemistry happens,but a person without a language, yes, it’s impossible,life in general is all about nuances, andwhen you don’t know the language, that’s enough,you don’t know a careless wordmisunderstood and all this can go to hell,so of course the fact that the barbarian is a nativespeaker and they will not have problems in this senseis the onlyoption in my opinion today for travis, it’s true,but he wants to play Russian please,she can teach him Russianhow old have you been studied Russian Istudied English in Odessa Odessa Istudy wine the most promising also Ilyareally love food thelanguage for them both clearly read they xj6and only she says no she is not Englishshe speaks Russian then I learn Russianor to mean it doesn’t matter thelanguage barrier love wasn’t the answer toeverything, but I thinkat first you had a very beautiful story andyou’re probably happy.good, but the parent is great and doesn’tknow how old mom is, they drank,but actually the sisters and how oldparents and dad will be now 70 mom Mishais a matter of discord and everything is clear, I’m justhalf at home 43akasa, everything is fine there, well,offhand, what do you think, Travis, I thinkthat the most important thing is thatsomething happens, but what is called chemistry,if even now your family from yoursmay have to sit down at the table there is noif he is an open, kind person, he is a verykind person, you can see it fromhim and isn’t all of him greedy even herenot stupidly greedy and take whether to leave thedunda, let's go through the ki that my belovedleft orfinally such sources that he gotnervous,I let you sit down,it meansMakheyev's ketchup doesn't taste any better the majorleaguethird quarterfinal on Sunday at thefirst what are you complaining about with asmall tummy you need a specialprobiotic olin x for children one sasha perday without artificial additives in itscomposition bifidobacteria baby 12abifidobacteria are found in breastmilklinux for children a probiotic with which thetummy is happy and the mother of mushroomschallenges professionals it is important to know whatremedy is needed for nail fungus andskin fungus 40 years of experience exoderil confirmsfor each stroke its own formexoderil solution quickly penetrates deep into thenail and destroys fungusexoderil cream works in threedirections eliminates fungus relievesitching and rednessthis is the work of exoderil expertsprofessionals against fungus nice tomeet you now yes and my wife’s name isNikita in the new one and even more shelkova inpleasureyonder from above home silk chocolatedull and lifeless hair of a ratherdifferent color schwarzkopf schaumasea buckthorn charge with sea buckthorn extractand antioxidantsenergizes for shining elastichair strong one hundred percent remember we give them a new life schauma seabuckthorn charge schwarzkopfofficial sponsor of Eurovision with GloriaJeans you can be daring break stereotypesbe funny or serious be difficultor simple be very bright andremain dogsGloria jeans freedom of expression childrenin the spring this is something happiness every morningthey drink tasty and healthy immunityPhuket with vitamins and lactobacilliimmunity zyrtecantihistamine of Europeanquality blocks the activity of allergensit helps relieve symptomszerg escape from allergies justone day sinus one of the creators of twix fell headover heels in love a l on the same day helost his head from RubySeamus presented his beloved with a cast in whitechocolate and a roll presented the lady ofhis heart with twix covered in whitechocolate that's how Vicks appeared white chocolate mung bean youhaven't seen mine you added me as a friend yesterday and chatted all evening, pericles and thefleet don't count for five minutes sentreally an error and it really doesn't count connect to the smart tariff and enjoy free traffic on social networks with reliable 4g ​​internet from MTSI gave you this house this you are no longer considered interesting and I know that you can


but it’s possible and possible I just can leave now I need a translator please. I don’t need anyone and you will leave yes please don’t lie well don’t, well what is this essentially incomprehensible at all,of course, well, what happens like this, well, todo it, yes, no, well, listen, first of all,I want to say again that this kind of language is nuances, maybe he sensed a catch,I don’t know in some of our words, but in these mushi-pusi not you didn’t need anything,just transfer this harbor to yourself, and everyone is surprised that a person so shy decided to give up the reasons for the transfer, of course, this is what is here. while his image of such barbaric beauties as you see is your version of what could have happened there in Kent, he doesn’t like This public dance and song, he didn’t say at the beginning that there was no need to do without this modest religious military plant of his favorite song, he wanted to do it nicely,he felt the banter, well,that’s right, he sang along with nothing, visits,hear her, even the film Runaway Bride, we have runaway girls here once confirms to choose and our Russian men don’t live to live or the color of askein like this will get married, you’ll wake up he’s gone no matter what went below to you I’ll prove us the second case in eight years when the groom leaves in the first case I even applauded but because the groom was absolutely useless now I I feel regret absolutely sincerely because well, we shouldn’t have put so much pressure on him, he felt uncomfortable,we’re not talking about this, I don’t agree with you, I feel some kind of guilt, he doesn’t bark as if this is my house and how would you run away from you are from my family, you are from my downstairs that the person who came there no longer work on the cd key to didn’t like it, they took everything fine and where is the woman with the cart easier for the mare,but I wouldn’t stop Rosanna even about what I took her to the butterfly what we don't have any Oscars today we didn't insult you we don't have a park today sorry it happens yes but I want you to someday tell your loved ones let's get married. good luck to you.


Moscow doctor let them say Vadim we are discussing historians in the wrong place