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Travis Lee Bailey, Esq., MSoc., MPol.
Трэвис Ли Бейли - American Washington, DC retired lawyer & academic author in Moscow, Russia.
Email: MoscowAmerican at Gmail Com
Skype: TravBailey

Меня зовут Трэвис Ли Бейли, я американский преподаватель английского языка, который живет в Москве, Россия, уже 8 лет (2015-2016; 2018 - настоящее время).

My name is Travis Lee Bailey, I am an American English teacher that has lived in Moscow, Russia for 8 years (2015-2016; 2018 - Present).

Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom GEORGE WASHINGTON CARVER.jpg

Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom.

Innovative teaching approach - student centered

English Russian

I teach teenagers and adults, General English, Legal English, Business English, Sociology and International Politics.

As an American, I have been teaching children off and on since 2000 in the United States Peace Corps Ukraine, Odessa. A volunteer government organization which works around the world. Since 2000 I have been teaching English to children and adults utilizing the most cutting edge teaching methods.

I love the Russian people and I will live here in Moscow for the rest of my life. Five of us published a book on the differences between Russians and Americans, entitled “Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans” in 2021. Teaching allows me to understand the elusive Russian Soul and to share my culture and ideas. As a sociologist, I bring America to my lessons. My experiences living in 6 American states, my years working at a variety of careers, and everything I have learned from my four diplomas. I believe in a student centered approach to learning. With a marketing bachelors, I specially tailor each one of my lessons to what the client is passionate about or must learn for their career. Learning English should be fun.

When students use my English practically in daily life, that is the most rewarding feeling that I can receive in my life. Achieving concrete results is my passion and goal with every one of my dear students. I look forward to meeting you and teaching you soon.


Resume - CV

English Russian


• While employed by the United States Government for two and a half years, taught English classes to children from ages six to seventeen, at orphanage Internat 4 in Odessa Ukraine.

• Taught adults English at the basic beginning, intermediate and advanced level of English for the Washington English Center.

• Taught in Moscow since 2015. Currently residing in Moscow

• TEFL certified with four degrees including a Master in International Relations and Juris Doctorate earned concurrently, Bachelors of Science in Marketing, Masters in Sociology.



• Taught CPE (C2 Proficiency) and ILEC courses (Cambridge English: Legal (ILEC))

• Taught English to executives of top Russian legal and business multinational firms



• Taught English to adults and children, general and business English in groups of up to 10 students.

• Combined various English teaching methods and techniques to help students improve their results.

• Created a full curriculum



• Taught pre-and upper-intermediate multilingual classes of 5-12 students in English as a Second Language

• Employed original and authentic texts; created activities targeting receptive and productive skills and language systems

• Developed curriculum that was appropriate to students' learning abilities and reflected their needs and interests.

• Used and adapted materials from Cambridge Ventures Series: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.



• Taught adult clients complex legal terminology.







• Explain and taught complex legal proceedings to clients.



• Taught English classes to children from ages six to seventeen, at orphanage Internot 4 in Odessa Ukraine.

• Initiated, designed and published the most comprehensive book on obtaining international development grants for the most prominent Ukrainian grants organization Центр інновацій та розвитку.

American diplomas and certificates

Published books

« Почему русские не улыбаются ?: Подробное руководство по различиям между русскими и американцами. » www.WhyDontRussiansSmile.Com - Why Don't Russians Smile?: The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans (2020)

Why Don't Russians Smile?
The definitive guide to the differences between Russians and Americans.


Why dont russians smile.png
Travis Lee Bailey, Esq.
American Lawyer and Think Tank Consultant in Moscow, Russia
Трэвис Ли Бейли - Американский юрист: Аналитический центр Консультант в Москве, Россия
Email: MoscowAmerican at Gmail Com
Skype: TravBailey

Published in July 2021. (1st edition) - Amazon.com.

« Другая Война Америки: Тирания в Колумбии » - America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)

« Другая Война Америки: Тирания в Колумбии » - America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)

America's Other War: Terrorizing Colombia (2017)

Purchase on Amazon

This controversial book lifts the lid on US policy in Latin America both during and after the Cold War. It demonstrates that the war on drugs and the "war on terror" is actually part of brutal pursuit of economic interests, with US policy directly contributing to the horrific human rights situation in Colombia today. America's Forgotten War maintains that in Colombia the US has long supported a pervasive campaign of state violence directed against both armed insurgents and a wide range of unarmed progressive social forces. While the reason for this violence may change from one decade to the next, the basic policies remain the same: maintain the pro-US Colombian state, protect US economic interests and preserve strategic access to oil.


Другая война Америки: терроризация Колумбии (Russian Edition)

Purchase on Amazon

Russian edition

Эта противоречивая книга приоткрывает завесу над политикой США в Латинской Америке во время и после "холодной войны". В ней показано, что война с наркотиками и "война с терроризмом" на самом деле являются частью жестокого преследования экономических интересов, а политика США напрямую способствует ужасающей ситуации с правами человека в современной Колумбии. В книге "Забытая война Америки" утверждается, что в Колумбии США давно поддерживают широкомасштабную кампанию государственного насилия, направленную как против вооруженных повстанцев, так и против широкого круга невооруженных прогрессивных общественных сил. Хотя причины этого насилия могут меняться от одного десятилетия к другому, основная политика остается неизменной: сохранение проамериканского колумбийского государства, защита экономических интересов США и сохранение стратегического доступа к нефти.


Dieses kontroverse Buch lüftet den Deckel auf die US-Politik in Lateinamerika während und nach dem Kalten Krieg. Es zeigt, dass der Krieg gegen Drogen und der "Krieg gegen den Terror" in Wirklichkeit Teil einer brutalen Verfolgung wirtschaftlicher Interessen ist, wobei die US-Politik direkt zu der schrecklichen Menschenrechtslage im heutigen Kolumbien beiträgt. America's Forgotten War behauptet, dass die USA in Kolumbien seit langem eine allgegenwärtige Kampagne staatlicher Gewalt unterstützen, die sich sowohl gegen bewaffnete Aufständische als auch gegen ein breites Spektrum unbewaffneter progressiver sozialer Kräfte richtet. Auch wenn sich der Grund für diese Gewalt von einem Jahrzehnt zum nächsten ändern mag, so bleibt die grundlegende Politik doch dieselbe: die Aufrechterhaltung des US-freundlichen kolumbianischen Staates, der Schutz der wirtschaftlichen Interessen der USA und der Erhalt des strategischen Zugangs zum Öl.

«  Руководство по источникам иностранного финансирования для украинских некоммерческих организаций  » - Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)

Guide to ukrainain funding sources 2002 cover-1.png

Guide to Foreign Funding Sources Available to Ukrainian Non Profits (2002)

The Innovation and Development Centre (IDC), a Ukrainian non-profit organization, proudly presents this third edition of the directory of foreign donor opportunities for Ukrainian initiatives. In response to overwhelming demand from non-profit organizations across the country, the IDC has updated and expanded this directory to include a wider range of opportunities...

This 2002 edition has been further expanded and edited to include a larger number of foundations, governmental programs and international organizations to provide even more funding opportunities. Because of the increasingly growing influence and importance of the Internet in grant seeking, this edition focuses more on the use of the Internet than the previous two editions.

Research for this guide was conducted through March - June of 2002. Information regarding each organization, their program priorities and activities was carefully checked for accuracy and applicability to Ukraine. The IDC contacted each organization in order to obtain current information and a detailed description of their programming. Additionally, each organization was encouraged to tailor its information to the Ukrainian audience. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, yet as granting priorities and organizations rapidly change, the accompanying contact information and programming may also be subject change...

The IDC would like to acknowledge the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation for providing continual support and assistance to the development of the Ukrainian third sector. Additionally, the IDC thanks U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer David Koenig for assisting with the 2000 guide. The IDC would also like to thank U.S. Peace Corps Volunteers Travis Bailey and Patrick M. Breiding for their work on the 2002 guide.

Почему Нас Ненавидят? Корни Анти-Американского Движения: Основа для Исследования - Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis: Why Do They Hate Us (Americans)?

Why do they Hate Us Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis.png

Why do They Hate Us? Origins of Anti-Americanism A Framework for Analysis

English Introduction

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) research paper.

Why do they hate us? After 9/11, this question was heard throughout American media. Despite the interest about Anti-Americanism in the popular journalism, academic literature on the subject of Anti-Americanism has been surprising limited. While the limited research around Anti-Americanism has focused on which country's citizens are Anti-American and/or has attempted to quantify what Anti-Americanism is, little existing research has explained the social and economic factors which cause Anti-Americanism. This paper will seek to understand key cultural drivers that have fostered Anti-American sentiment. While outside the scope of this research, these results may contribute to a critical reassessment of the deep-seated roots of third world rage, and help avert future terrorist attack on United States interests.


This study sought to identify at a broad level, significant factors that have led to Anti-Americanism in many of the world's countries. The research first analyzed the impact of economic independent variables followed by economic aid and US troop levels. In summary, only military aid and sales showed a strong significant relationship to Anti-Americanism.

RUSSIAN excerpt (РУССКИЙ отрывок)

Почему они ненавидят нас?

Происхождение анти-американизма:

Почему они ненавидят нас? После 11 сентября этот вопрос прозвучал во всех американских СМИ. Несмотря на интерес к антиамериканизму в популярной журналистике, академическая литература по теме антиамериканизма оказалась удивительно ограниченной. В то время как ограниченные исследования вокруг антиамериканизма были сосредоточены на том, какие граждане страны являются антиамериканцами и / или пытались количественно определить, что такое антиамериканизм, мало существующих исследований объяснили социальные и экономические факторы, которые вызывают антиамериканизм. В этой статье мы попытаемся понять основные культурные факторы, которые способствовали развитию антиамериканских настроений. Хотя эти результаты и выходят за рамки настоящего исследования, они могут способствовать критической переоценке глубинных корней ярости третьего мира и помочь предотвратить будущие террористические нападения на Соединенные Штаты.


Это исследование было направлено на выявление на широком уровне существенных факторов, которые привели к антиамериканизму во многих странах мира. В ходе исследования сначала анализировалось влияние экономических независимых переменных, а затем - экономическая помощь и численность американских войск. Таким образом, только военная помощь и продажи демонстрировали сильную значимую связь с антиамериканизмом.Обзор существующей литературы.

В исследовании 1992 года на тему антиамериканизма Смит и Вертман (1992: 188) заметили, что «хотя антиамериканизм уже давно вызывает обеспокоенность у СМИ и политиков США», антиамериканизм игнорируется учеными. Почти два десятилетия спустя, и несмотря на атаки 11 сентября и феноменальный рост антиамериканских настроений по всему миру, это утверждение все еще остается верным (Джонстон (Johnston), 2006, стр. 3). Ученые считают причиной отсутствия внимания три фактора. Первый фактор заключается в том, что антиамериканизм - это неоднозначный термин, который трудно осмыслить (Джонстон, 2006, стр. 3). Во-вторых, антиамериканизмом чаще называют эмоции, которые являются реакцией на какое-либо событие, чем используют как определение самих событий. Там, где другие темы социальных наук находят аналитиков и аналогии, антиамериканизм должен бороться с крестоносцами (Джонстон, 2006, стр. 3; Миллер, 1982, стр. 3). Последний фактор американская коллективная амнезия, человеческая тенденция перекладывать вину на удобные абстракции и культурное чувство невиновности (Мак Ферсон, Миллер (McPherson, 2004, 148; Miller, 1982), стр. 253).

Джонсон (2006: 10) заявляет, что большинство антиамериканской литературы явно имеет свой посыл, и почти все антиамериканские ученые разделяются на два лагеря. Одна группа ученых утверждает, что виноваты политики Соединенных Штатов и что Соединенные Штаты ненавидят за то, что они делают и их внешнюю политику и действия, «внешняя» причина (с. 10). Вторая группа ученых, заявляет, что антиамериканизм является иррациональным поведением, что антиамериканизм происходит от психологических, культурных или политических аспектов нации, граждане которой проявляют антиамериканизм. Эти авторы предполагают, что граждане других стран ненавидят Соединенные Штаты за то, чем они являются, «внутренняя» причина. (Джонстон (Johnston), 2006, стр. 10; Schlapentokh & Woods, 2004, стр. 167). Джонстон (2006: 5) утверждает, что «несмотря на то, что это притворяется законной социальной наукой, основная масса этой литературы в значительной степени не более чем тонко завуалированная пропаганда, которая поразительно (и тревожно) похожа на литературу, выпущенную сторонниками правого крыла и комментаторами консерваторов" . Наиболее известный внутренний взгляд - «Столкновение цивилизаций» Хантингтона (1996: 15).

Хантингтон полагает, что существует непреодолимая пропасть между Западом и его ценностями и Исламом и его ценностями. Недавние исследования основаны на этой внутренней гипотезе.

Articles written


Total Telecom

The Skolkovo Innovation Center, in the suburbs of Moscow, is nicknamed the "Silicon Valley" of Russia. Within Skolkovo is the Moscow Department of Information Technologies, a pioneer in 5g medical technology. 5g is the fifth generation wireless technology for digital cellular networks that began large scale deployment in 2019. As with previous cellular technologies, 5g networks rely on signals carried by radio waves - transmitted between an antenna and your phone. But when fully implemented, 5g is set to offer download speeds many times faster than today's 4G LTE networks. Russia is uniquely positioned to be a pioneer of 5g capabilities. Currently 89% of the Russia population subscribe to mobile services, making Russia one of the most highly penetrated countries in the world – ahead of both Europe and Northern America. In fact, Russia was one of the first countries in the region to launch 4G in 2012. GSMA Intelligence released an overview in 2018 that stated 5g will develop quickly in Russia, with “more than 80% of the Russian population covered by 2025.”

5g will revolutionize the medical field.. The technology allows surgeons to conduct procedures as if they were right next to the patient. Before with 4g networks, remote surgery using wireless networks was impossible, because the lag time between input and output lasts around a quarter of a second, sometimes as long as 2 seconds — a delay potentially harmful, possibly fatal, to a patient. Now, 5g promises to change all that, with its latency reduced to an almost instantaneous 2 milliseconds between devices. This will also make procedures like medical diagnosis, mobile surgery, and other real time medical treatments a reality. This will apply to both 'tele-presence,' where a surgeon can merely follow an operation on a video connection and offer expert support, and for 'tele-surgery,' where the doctor actually operates the surgical device from far away. The other equally valuable benefit of 5g is the increased volume of data that can be processed at great speed during surgery. Doctors will be able to connect many more medical devices together and gain data from the patient, in a way that isn't possible at the moment. Different medical specialists, in different places, will all be able to work together for the first time.

Second, there are many medical benefits 5g provides for large files. For example, a single patient can generate hundreds of gigabytes of data each day, from patient medical records to the large image files generated by MRI, CAT, or PET scans. A PET scanner alone generates extremely large files — up to 1 gigabyte of information per patient per study. Adding a high-speed 5g network can help quickly and reliably transport huge data files of medical imagery. A 5g network means that these large files can be transmitted quickly between doctors and hospitals, reducing the time that would otherwise be needed to move them across older networks. The reduction in time that 5g brings means more timely diagnostics, second opinions, treatment starts and adjustments, since the medical data can be transmitted and consumed by doctors faster than ever before.

In addition, the risks of 5g are minimal. 5g uses higher frequency waves than earlier mobile networks, allowing devices to have faster speeds. The electromagnetic radiation used by all mobile phone technologies has led some to worry about increased health risks, including developing cancer. In 2014 the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that "no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use". But the WHO along with the international agency for research on cancer (iarc) has classified all mobile signals as "possibly carcinogenic".

In Russia, the Moscow Department of Information Technologies at Skolkovo is leading the field in 5g medical technology. The first laparoscopy surgerical procedure was perfomed twice in Russia with the use of 5g technology. This is a surgery in which a fibre-optic instrument is inserted through the abdominal wall. A cancer tumor was successfully removed with the use of a laparoscope and 4K camera connected to the 5g network.

“Skolkovo is one of several 5g pilot zones in the Moscow region. Over the past six months, innovators have demonstrated how fifth generation communication can be used in a variety of services, from road safety to entertainment. Today, Beeline (a Russian telecomications giant) has demonstrated how 5g can benefit the medical field,” said Eduard Lysenko, Head of Moscow Department of Information Technology.

“Thanks to fifth-generation communications, medicine and medical are expected to drastically improve quality of life for citizens,” he added.

New generation networks in Russia will enable remote surgical procedures, so that it will no longer be necessary to transport a patient to a specific clinic or specialist. Furthermore, 5g makes for more mobile and comfortable operating theaters, thanks to its ability to connect medical equipment wirelessly. Finally, thanks to 5g, remote consultations will reduce the need for travel, significantly saving both doctor and patient time. This will have a big impact on medical specialists, who spend more than 70% of their time travelling from one location to another for complex operations.

Moscow's Department of Information Technologies at Skolkovo is a technology pioneer in the field of 5G. Thisdecade, the technology that this department is developing will dramatically improve outcomes in health care.

Teaching recommendations and articles


Карьера юриста - Legal Career

Партнерство по трудовому праву в Москве, Россия - Employment Law partnership in Moscow, Russia
Индивидуальный юрист по взысканиям и банкротствам, Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия - Solo Foreclosure and Bankruptcy lawyer, Washington, DC
адвокатские конторы в Центре медицинских услуг и медицинского страхования - Law offices of the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services United States Government.
Выпускник Юридической школы Святой Марии - Graduate of Saint Mary's School of Law
